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3mo ago

The land in the tundra is mainly characterized by permafrost, which is soil that remains frozen year-round. The surface is covered by a thin layer of vegetation such as mosses, lichens, and low shrubs due to the cold temperatures and short growing season. The terrain is typically flat or rolling with no trees present.

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Q: What is the type of land in the tundra?
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I believe the Tundra is called this because the early pioneers and native Americans would see that type of land as great potential to live on and start life on it. For example, build houses, churches, etc.

Is tundra the largest biome?

Yes Tundra is the largest land biome.

Is the Tundra have a terrain and land pattern?

it is how the tundra works. so the answer woruld be a terrain.

What drinking sources does a tundra have?

Tundra does not have any drinking sources. It is not a liquid. It is part of land.