The lowest temperature ever recorded in Toronto was -31.3°C (-24.3°F) on January 4, 1981.
The normal temperature for Seattle, WA in June ranges from 55°F to 72°F. It can vary depending on the specific day and weather conditions.
The lowest temperature ever recorded in Vietnam was -6.7°C (19.9°F) in Sapa, Lao Cai province, on January 8, 1968.
Summer months are the months in summer like January,February and December.
In Rome, the average temperatures range from about 8°C (46°F) in January to around 24°C (75°F) in July. The city experiences mild winters and hot summers, with the spring and fall months having pleasant temperatures. Variations can occur due to weather patterns and climate changes.
The average temperature for Rome, Italy in January is 46 degrees F. They receive about 6 hours of sunshine a day in January, with an average high temperature of 54 degrees F and a low of 37 degrees F.
Taiwan is extremely humid, with a typhoon season from June to October. The average temperature is 71.6 degrees Fahrenheit, and ranges from 50 degrees in January to March to 100 degrees in June to August.
June in January was created in 1934.
June. January is jan.
Depends entirely of where you are and the time of year. January in Minnesota and June in Hawaii will have VERY different temperatures.
what is the temperature in Brasilia in June
there are three january june and july
January 26th
There are no records (because there were no thermometers) of temperature in ancient Rome, or anywhere else.
In January the average temperature is 21o F
There is no June 31st, as June has only 30 days. So, from the 1st of January up to the 30th of June, there are 181 days, including the 1st of January in a normal year, and 182 in a leap year.There is no June 31st, as June has only 30 days. So, from the 1st of January up to the 30th of June, there are 181 days, including the 1st of January in a normal year, and 182 in a leap year.There is no June 31st, as June has only 30 days. So, from the 1st of January up to the 30th of June, there are 181 days, including the 1st of January in a normal year, and 182 in a leap year.There is no June 31st, as June has only 30 days. So, from the 1st of January up to the 30th of June, there are 181 days, including the 1st of January in a normal year, and 182 in a leap year.There is no June 31st, as June has only 30 days. So, from the 1st of January up to the 30th of June, there are 181 days, including the 1st of January in a normal year, and 182 in a leap year.There is no June 31st, as June has only 30 days. So, from the 1st of January up to the 30th of June, there are 181 days, including the 1st of January in a normal year, and 182 in a leap year.There is no June 31st, as June has only 30 days. So, from the 1st of January up to the 30th of June, there are 181 days, including the 1st of January in a normal year, and 182 in a leap year.There is no June 31st, as June has only 30 days. So, from the 1st of January up to the 30th of June, there are 181 days, including the 1st of January in a normal year, and 182 in a leap year.There is no June 31st, as June has only 30 days. So, from the 1st of January up to the 30th of June, there are 181 days, including the 1st of January in a normal year, and 182 in a leap year.There is no June 31st, as June has only 30 days. So, from the 1st of January up to the 30th of June, there are 181 days, including the 1st of January in a normal year, and 182 in a leap year.There is no June 31st, as June has only 30 days. So, from the 1st of January up to the 30th of June, there are 181 days, including the 1st of January in a normal year, and 182 in a leap year.
What was New delhi temperature 1 June to16 June 2010