Equates to approximately 681.82 miles per hour. Supporting math - There are 60 seconds in every minute (multiply 1000 X 60 = 60,000) There are 60 minutes in every hour (multiply 60,000 X 60 = 3,600,000) There are 5280 feet in every mile (divide 3,600,000 / 5280 = 681.8181818181)
1,000 feet per second is 681.82 miles per hour.
Core temperature refers to the internal temperature of the body, typically measured in areas like the rectum or the esophagus. Shell temperature, on the other hand, refers to the temperature of the skin on the body's surface. Core temperature reflects the body's overall internal temperature, while shell temperature can be influenced by external factors like clothing or the environment.
You measure temperature using a thermometer.
Temperature receptors that monitor external temperature are located in the skin. Specifically, these receptors are found in the outer layer of the skin known as the epidermis.
No, the neutral temperature in a thermocouple circuit does not depend on the temperature of the cold junction. The neutral temperature is the temperature at the point where the net electromotive force of the thermocouple is zero, and it is determined by the characteristics of the thermocouple materials and the temperatures at the two junctions.
The two types of body temperature are core body temperature, which is the temperature of the internal organs, and surface body temperature, which is the temperature of the skin and extremities. Core body temperature is typically more stable and tightly regulated than surface body temperature.
37000 / 5280 = 7 miles.
Different aspects of temperature that can be measured include ambient temperature (air temperature in the surrounding environment), surface temperature (temperature of an object's surface), body temperature (temperature of a living organism), and water temperature (temperature of water in a body of water).
The temperature is 13.
Change in temperature = New temperature minus Old temperature.
a temperature line is a line of temperature
Some common types of temperature recorded include: ambient temperature (air temperature of surrounding environment), surface temperature (temperature of an object's exterior), body temperature (core temperature of a living organism), and liquid temperature (temperature of a liquid substance).
Indoor temperature is the temperature indoors.
Core temperature refers to the internal temperature of the body, typically measured in areas like the rectum or the esophagus. Shell temperature, on the other hand, refers to the temperature of the skin on the body's surface. Core temperature reflects the body's overall internal temperature, while shell temperature can be influenced by external factors like clothing or the environment.
High temperature=low viscosityLow temperature=high viscosity
the net stack temperature is determined by substructing the ambient temperature ( around the furnace) from the stacke temperature (vent temperature)
If the ignition temperature is lower than the room temperature, the substance will not ignite or burn spontaneously at room temperature. Ignition temperature refers to the minimum temperature required for a substance to ignite and sustain combustion, so if it is lower than the room temperature, the substance will remain stable at that temperature.
The temperature can be 50 to 60 degrees. water temperature