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The surface of the Earth is more effectively warmed by radiation heat transfer than by conduction or convection. This is because radiation from the sun can penetrate the atmosphere and reach the Earth's surface, where it is absorbed and converted into heat. Conduction and convection play a role in redistributing this heat throughout the atmosphere.

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Q: What is the surface of earth is much more effectively warmed by this type of heat transfer than the atmosphere?
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How is the atmosphere near the earth's surface warmed?

The atmosphere near Earth's surface is primarily warmed through the process of conduction, where heat is transferred from the Earth's surface to the air molecules in direct contact with it. Additionally, sunlight absorbed by the Earth's surface is re-radiated as heat, warming the surrounding air.

What atmosphere in the air is warmed by heat from Earth's surface?

The lower atmosphere, known as the troposphere, is warmed by heat from Earth's surface. This warming is due to the absorption of outgoing radiation by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and water vapor, which trap heat in the atmosphere.

The lower atmosphere is directly warmed from?

The lower atmosphere is directly warmed from solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface, which is then absorbed and re-emitted as heat. This process is known as the greenhouse effect and helps to regulate the Earth's temperature to support life.

In which layer of Earth's atmosphere is air most likely warmed by conduction?

The troposphere is the layer of Earth's atmosphere where air is most likely warmed by conduction. This is the lowest layer of the atmosphere where weather events occur, and conduction is the main mechanism through which heat is transferred near the Earth's surface.

When air and atmosphere is warmed what does air pressure do?

When air is warmed, it expands and becomes less dense, causing it to rise. As it rises, it creates lower pressure at the surface. This is because there are fewer air molecules pressing down on a given area as the warmed air moves away.

Related questions

How is the atmosphere near the earth's surface warmed?

The atmosphere near Earth's surface is primarily warmed through the process of conduction, where heat is transferred from the Earth's surface to the air molecules in direct contact with it. Additionally, sunlight absorbed by the Earth's surface is re-radiated as heat, warming the surrounding air.

What atmosphere in the air is warmed by heat from Earth's surface?

The lower atmosphere, known as the troposphere, is warmed by heat from Earth's surface. This warming is due to the absorption of outgoing radiation by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and water vapor, which trap heat in the atmosphere.

What is warmed by the heat from Earth's surface?

The atmosphere is warmed by the heat radiating from Earth's surface. This process helps to regulate the planet's temperature and create the conditions necessary for life to thrive.

The lower atmosphere is directly warmed from?

The lower atmosphere is directly warmed from solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface, which is then absorbed and re-emitted as heat. This process is known as the greenhouse effect and helps to regulate the Earth's temperature to support life.

Can air be warmed or cooled by the surface below?

Yes, air can be warmed or cooled by the surface below through conduction. For example, if the surface is warmer than the air, heat will transfer from the surface to the air, warming it. On the other hand, if the surface is cooler than the air, heat will transfer from the air to the surface, cooling the air.

In which layer of Earth's atmosphere is air most likely warmed by conduction?

The troposphere is the layer of Earth's atmosphere where air is most likely warmed by conduction. This is the lowest layer of the atmosphere where weather events occur, and conduction is the main mechanism through which heat is transferred near the Earth's surface.

How the atmosphere heated?

A small part of the heating of the atmosphere is directly from the sun. A lot of heating near the surface is done through conduction from land or water that has been warmed by the sun.

When air and atmosphere is warmed what does air pressure do?

When air is warmed, it expands and becomes less dense, causing it to rise. As it rises, it creates lower pressure at the surface. This is because there are fewer air molecules pressing down on a given area as the warmed air moves away.

What is Earth's surface warmed by?

The sun

The lower atmosphere is directly warmed by?

The lower atmosphere is directly warmed by the sun's radiation that passes through the Earth's atmosphere and heats the surface of the Earth. This heat is then transferred to the lower atmosphere through conduction, convection, and latent heat release from processes like evaporation.

The surface of the earth is warmed mainly by conduction or convection or radiation?

The surface of the Earth is primarily warmed by radiation from the sun. The sun emits heat in the form of electromagnetic radiation that is absorbed by the Earth's surface, warming it up. Conduction and convection also play a role in distributing this heat throughout the atmosphere and the oceans.

What is the transfer of heat by the circulation of the warmed matter callled?
