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3mo ago

The scientific study of mountains is called orology. This field of study focuses on the formation, structure, and geological processes associated with mountains.

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Scientific study of mountains are called by what name?


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The scientific study of the formation and shape of mountains is called orogenesis. It focuses on the processes that lead to the creation of mountain ranges and the geological structures that contribute to their shape and formation.

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What is the scientific study of mountains?

The scientific study of mountains is known as orography or geomorphology. It involves the examination of the formation, structure, and evolution of mountain ranges, as well as the processes that shape them, such as tectonic activity, erosion, and weathering. Scientists in this field also study the ecological systems and biodiversity found in mountainous regions.

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What are people who study mountains called?

People who study mountains are called geologists or geographers specializing in geomorphology.

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What is the study of mountains called?

The study of mountains is called orography. It involves analyzing the formation, structure, and geographical features of mountain ranges.

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