The scientific name for the Earth's upper mantle is "asthenosphere." It is a layer of the Earth located beneath the lithosphere and is characterized by its partially molten state, which allows for the movement of tectonic plates.
The name given to Earth, in scientific terms, is "planet" or "the third planet from the Sun". In terms of mythology and folklore, Earth is sometimes referred to as "Mother Earth" or "Gaia".
The scientific name for feldspar is a group name that encompasses several different minerals. The most common type of feldspar found in Earth's crust is potassium feldspar, which has the scientific name KAlSi3O8.
The crust is the outermost solid shell of the planet. It is chemically different from the underlying mantle. The scientific name for the crust is the lithosphere. It has an average thickness of 30-35 kilometers in continental areas and 5 kilometers in oceanic areas.
The scientific name for a mapmaker is cartographer.
Earth's official scientific name is "Terra."
Earth's scientific name is "the planet Earth" or "the third planet from the sun."
The scientific name for earthworm is Lumbricus terrestris.
earth pig
The apple of the earth
Scientific name of
The scientific name for the Earth's inner core is "Earth's solid inner core."
The scientific name for the earth worms but or anus is the (PROSTIRIOR). -awnser donated by the master deggree scientific collage fundation.
Earth has no scientific name (Earth is the scientific name for world) but, some people will sometimes refer to earth as Gaia (GAY-yah) the Greek word referring to a personified earth (Earth as a person)You could call it terra firma although that is not entirely accurate. Terra firma usually means 'land', therefore does not incorporate the sea. But since we also call land or dirt 'earth' this could therefore transfer into calling the planet terra firma. Room for argument there.
The atmosphere.