The compound name for a copper salt will depend on the anion it is combined with. For example, copper sulfate is a compound of copper and sulfate ions (CuSO4). Other examples include copper chloride (CuCl2), copper nitrate (Cu(NO3)2), and copper acetate (Cu(CH3COO)2).
Copper Sulphate usually is found in a hydrated form (i.e., water molecules are incorporated into the crystals.) Pure copper sulphate is a pale, greenish gray color. The familiar blue color only occurs in hydrates of copper sulphate (i.e., in crystals that incorporate H20 molecules). Heating the blue crystals can drive off the water. It's still called copper sulphate after you do that. For substances like copper sulphate that naturally attract water, the adjective, anhydrous often is used to describe the pure (water free) state. If you heat copper sulphate to a temperature of 650C, it will decompose into something else.
The chemical formula for blue vitriol, also known as Copper II sulfate, is CuSO4.
Copper's scientific name is, Cuprum but also Cupremianticia and Cupremnictiyermumtica, but when describing the copper in a equation, you use cupric or cuprous. Use cupric when the oxidation of copper is +2 and cuprous when the oxidation is +1 The symbol for copper from the PTE (Periodic Table of Elements) is Cu
Copper sulfate contains copper, sulfur, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms. The chemical formula for copper sulfate is CuSO4.
The name of the compound with the formula Cu2SO4 is Copper I sulphate or Cuprous sulphate.
copper sulphate
vanadium(I) sulphate, but as far as I am aware, this compound is unknown
Cupric sulfate.
Sulphuric acid, because "sulphuric" is what gives copper sulphate it's name
copper sulfate - Cu is copper So4 is sulfur copper sulfate. as this state we can call it as amorphous copper sulfate. the liquid state of this is scientifically written as, CuSo4.5H2O. good luck! :)
formula : cuso4 chemical name: copper sulphate
Sulphuric acid
Copper sulphate crystals form when a hot saturated solution of copper sulphate is cooled down. As the solution cools, the solubility of copper sulphate decreases, causing the excess copper sulphate to come out of the solution and form crystals.
The compound is called copper(II) oxide sulfide.
Copper sulfate (sulphate English spelling)
The Zinc will displace the copper. It will become Zinc Sulphate. The word equation will be Zinc + Copper Sulphate -----> Copper + Zinc Sulphate. Hope this helps!