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The removal of static electricity by conduction to the earth is called grounding. It involves connecting an object to the ground to neutralize any excess electrical charge.

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Q: What is the removal of static electricity by conduction to the earth called?
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What does conduction have to do with static electricity?

Conduction is the process of transferring charge through direct contact. In the context of static electricity, conduction can occur when two objects with different electric potentials come into contact, allowing electrons to move from one object to the other and equalize their charges. This can lead to the buildup of static electricity on one object.

How is static electricity used in dust removal and photo copying?

Static electricity is used in dust removal by charging a surface with static electricity, which attracts and captures dust particles by electrostatic forces. In photocopying, static electricity is used to transfer toner particles onto a charged surface and then fuse them to create a copy of the original document.

What is the loss of static electricity as charges move off an object is called what?

The loss of static electricity as charges move off an object is called "discharging." This can occur through various means such as grounding, induction, or conduction. Discharging helps to restore balance in the object's charge distribution.

Electricity that is not flowing?

. . is called static electricity.

What are the ways objects can obtain static electricity?

Objects can obtain static electricity through friction, where two objects rub against each other causing an exchange of electrons. They can also acquire static electricity through conduction, where they come into contact with a charged object and electrons are transferred. Finally, objects can gain static electricity through induction, where a charged object nearby causes the electrons within the object to redistribute.

Electricity not flowing is called?


A discharge of static electricity from a huge cloud is called a?

A discharge of static electricity from a huge cloud is called lightning.

What is the movement of static electricity into an object called?

The movement of static electricity into an object is called "electrification" or "charging." This occurs when the excess charge is transferred from one object to another due to the presence of an electric field.

What phobia is the fear of static electricity?

The fear of static electricity is known as "electrophobia."

What is the loss of static electricity called?

The loss of static electricity is called "discharge." This occurs when excess electric charge on an object is neutralized by transferring electrons to or from another object.

The buildup of charges on an object is called?

The buildup of charges on an object is called static electricity. This occurs when there is an imbalance of positive and negative charges on the surface of an object, leading to the attraction or repulsion of other objects.

What is standing still electricity called?
