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Typically the lowest temperature that gasoline will produce enough vapors to ignite at is

-40 degrees Fahrenheit.

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7mo ago

Gasoline can ignite at temperatures as low as -45 degrees Fahrenheit (-43 degrees Celsius).

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Q: What is the lowest temperature gasoline can ignite?
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How do you measure flashpoint of gasoline?

The flashpoint of gasoline can be measured using a closed-cup tester designed to determine the lowest temperature at which the gasoline vapor can ignite when exposed to an ignition source under specific conditions. This is an important safety parameter to assess the flammability risk of a substance.

What does 'Have a point' mean?

The flash point is the lowest temperature at which vapors of a liquid can ignite.

What is ment by the term flashpoint in relation to fuels?

It is the lowest temperature at which the vapour of a flammable liquid will ignite in air. The flashpoint is generally lower than the temperature needed for the liquid itself to ignite

Why does gasoline ignite?

Gasoline ignites because gasoline is flammable. (simple answer) A more detailed answer would be. Gasoline produces flammable vapors at a much lower temperature than almost any other 'common' chemical. It is the vapors that ignite rather than the chemical itself. Also Gasoline vapors are heavier than air. Any 'Flammable' chemical will ignite in the presence of an open flame or spark if there are sufficient fumes.

What is autoignition temperature?

AUTO IGNITION TEMPERATURE: Lowest temperature at which mixture will ignite in the absence of spark or flame. for more inf cont(

What chemicals can cause gasoline to ignite?

Chemicals that can cause gasoline to ignite include heat, sparks, and flames. Gasoline is highly flammable and can ignite easily when exposed to these ignition sources. It is important to handle gasoline with caution and avoid situations where it may come into contact with these chemicals.

What temperature can you heat gasoline to before it ignites?

Gasoline does not ignite. The fumes from gasoline are what ignites. They will ignite at any temperature. According to the best sources I could find there are three answers (all apply to gas fumes as stated above). 1.) Flash point -43 F 2.) Ignition Temp -40 both of the above require an external source of ignition. Then ..... 3.) Auto Ignition Temp 246--280 °C (475--536 °F) Is the answer for what temp it will ignite on it's own without external 'spark'. I leaned heavily on Wikipedia for source material

What flammable liquid gives off vapors at below room temperature?

Gasoline is a flammable liquid that gives off vapors at temperatures below room temperature, which can ignite easily when exposed to a flame or spark.

Why should smoking be prohibited in a gasoline station?

Because a spark could potentially ignite gasoline, and cause a catastrophic explosion.

Can gasoline explode without oxygen?

No, gasoline requires oxygen to ignite and burn. Without oxygen, gasoline cannot undergo the combustion reaction necessary for an explosion.

What temperature does jet fuel ignite?

It is enough for a spark to ignite any fuel.

Do you need to plug in a diesel engine?

diesel need not have a spark plug to ignite, just high compression will heat it up since its density is higher than of normal petrol or gasoline. gasoline having a lower density needs can't heat up well after compression and thus needs a spark to ignite it. You may need to plug in the block heater depending on the outside temperature Some older trucks need to be plugged in if the temperature is near freezing.