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My Aunt in Kentucky has a large fern in her front room that is at least 81 years old! The plant was given to my Grandmother when she gave birth in April, 1931. No joke! It sits on a stand in the window, and has been there all my life.

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8mo ago

Boston ferns can live for several years, with proper care. Typically, they can live for 5-10 years or more when taken care of well. Regular watering, humidity, and proper lighting are key factors in extending the lifespan of a Boston fern.

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The Latin name for sword fern plant is "Nephrolepis exaltata."

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Name you a type of fern plant?

One type of fern is the Boston fern. It has long green drooping fronds growing out of the crown. They are the ferns that are generally grown in hanging baskets on porches.

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The scientific name for marsh fern is Thelypteris palustris.

What type of vascular plant is a fern?

A fern is a seedless vascular plant. OR NAH

What is the definition of a fern?

A fern is a plant with feathery fronds.

Is a fern a seedless or seeded plant?

Fern is seedless plant. It bears the spores. It is less evolved plant.

Is a fern eukaryote?

Yes a fern is eukaryotic because it is a part of tghe plant family and plants a eukaryotic.

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Is a fern an organism?

its a plant.

Is maidenhair fern a land and flowering plant?

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