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Gravity is the force that causes rocks or soil to move downhill. As material accumulates on a slope, the force of gravity pulls it downward due to the angle of the slope. This movement can lead to landslides or rockfalls.

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Q: What is the force that causes rocks or soil to move downhill?
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Does gravity or wind quickly pulls rocks and dirt downhill in a landslide?

Gravity is the primary force that causes rocks and dirt to move downhill in a landslide. Wind can contribute to the movement of loose material, but gravity is the dominant force in causing landslides.

What is the driving force behind erosiontransportation deposition and lithification?

The driving force behind erosion, transportation, deposition, and lithification is mainly gravity and water. Gravity causes rocks and sediment to move downhill, while water acts as a powerful force in eroding, transporting, and depositing material. Over time, these processes work together to shape the Earth's surface and create sedimentary rocks through lithification.

What agent of erosion causes material to tend to move downhill?

Gravity is the agent of erosion that causes material to tend to move downhill. As gravity pulls on the material, it causes it to slide, roll, or flow downhill. This process can lead to the transportation of sediment and the formation of landforms such as slopes and valleys.

When gravity causes erosion what is it called?

When gravity causes erosion, it is called mass wasting. This process occurs when the force of gravity acts on rocks and soil, causing them to move downhill due to factors such as steep slopes, weathering, and unconsolidated materials. Mass wasting can result in various landforms such as landslides, rockfalls, and slumps.

The quick downhill movement of loose rocks and soil?

This is known as a rockfall or landslide, which occurs when gravity causes loose rocks and soil to rapidly move downhill. These events can be triggered by factors such as heavy rainfall, earthquakes, or human activities, and can pose significant hazards to people and property in the affected area.

Related questions

What is the principle force that makes things move downhill?

Gravity is the primary force that causes objects to move downhill. Objects are pulled downward towards the center of the Earth by gravity, accelerating them as they move downhill.

What force pulls materials downhill?

Gravity is the force that pulls materials downhill. This force is responsible for the attraction between objects with mass and causes objects to move towards the center of the Earth when on a slope, resulting in a downward pull.

What is a natural force that causes rocks to fall or roll down a hill?

Gravity is the natural force that causes rocks to fall or roll down a hill. As rocks are pulled by the force of gravity, they move downward due to the Earth's gravitational pull.

What force keeps the water move downhill?


What causes rock or sediment to move downhill?

Gravity is the main force that causes rocks or sediment to move downhill. When the force of gravity overcomes the friction between rocks or sediment and the ground, they begin to slide, roll, or flow downhill. Other factors such as water, ice, or slope steepness can also contribute to this downhill movement.

What force causes object to move downward?

The force that causes objects to move downward is gravity

What is a force called that causes an object to object to move in a circle is called?

A force that causes an object to move in a circle is a central force, or a centripetal force.

What produces the force that cause earthquakes as rocks move and break?

The force that causes earthquakes is primarily generated by the movement of tectonic plates along faults in the Earth's crust. As the plates move, stress builds up and eventually overcomes the friction holding the rocks together, causing them to break and release energy in the form of seismic waves, resulting in an earthquake.

What force causes an object to move in the direction of the force?

The force is work.

When does the loose of material no longer move downhill?

When the forces holding the material in place become stronger than the force pulling it downhill, the material will no longer move downhill. This could happen when the slope gradient decreases or when additional support structures are put in place to stabilize the material.

How glaciers and rivers affect rocks?

glaciers move them downhill and scratch the surface of the valley from a river 'v' to a glacial 'u' they also move lots of rocks. rivers move rocks downstream the higher upstream the more rough and sharp edged they are, downstream they are smoother and rounder due to erosion.

What is a combined force that causes something to move?

A balanced force. (: