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Alluvial fan.

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Q: What is the deposit that forms where a river leaves a mountain range called?
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What is a deposit that forms where a river leaves a mountain range called?

A deposit that forms where a river leaves a mountain range is called an alluvial fan. This fan-shaped deposit is created as the river slows down and deposits sediment and debris that it has carried from the mountains.

What is the name of a deposit that forms when a mountain river runs into a plain?

alluvial fan

What is the deposit that forms when a mountain river runs onto a plain?

Alluvial Fan.

What name deposit that forms when a mountain river runs onto a plain?

Alluvial Fan

Where a stream leaves a mountain range you'll find a A wide sloping deposit of sediment?

This is known as an alluvial fan, which forms as the stream exits the mountain and starts to slow down. As the stream velocity decreases, it drops the sediment it was carrying, creating a fan-shaped deposit of gravel, sand, and silt. This process helps to shape the surrounding landscape and can lead to the formation of fertile floodplains.

How does a Alluviail fan start happen?

An alluvial fan starts at just a build up of sediment at the mouth of a river. As the current moves, more and more sediment is lifted into the stream and carried until it hits a sediment deposit. As the sediment deposit gets bigger, it is exposed to the air and forms a sediment mountain. As the mountain gets bigger it forms an island in the middle of the mouth of a river. This is called an alluvial fan! Hope this was helpful!

What is the deposit dropped by a river in its mouth called?

A deposit at the opening of a river is called delta.

What is the triangular or fan shaped deposit of sediment that forms where a river empties into an ocean or lake?

silt This trianguar deposit of sediment where a river empties into an ocean is called a delta.

What is the mist on table mountain called?

The mist on Table Mountain in South Africa is called the "tablecloth." It forms when clouds get caught on the mountain and create a spectacular cascading effect down its slopes.

What forms when sediment is blown against an obstacle and settles behind it?

A sediment deposit called a windward slope forms when sediment is blown against an obstacle and settles behind it. This deposit is characterized by a gradual slope facing into the prevailing wind direction.

What is a dry area on the lee side of the mountain that forms as air descends and is warmed by compression called?

That area is called a rain shadow. It forms due to the moisture in the air being released on the windward side of the mountain, leaving the leeward side drier.

What are the three mountain landforms called?

Plateau, peak and slope. Valleys are the area between these forms.