The coldest month in Chicago by average temperature is January, with average temperatures typically ranging from 16°F to 31°F (-9°C to -1°C). It is common for Chicago to experience freezing temperatures and snowfall during this month.
Chicago typically gets the most snow in the month of January. Snow accumulation can vary each year, but historically January has been the snowiest month in Chicago.
Average temperature in Birmingham varies from month to month, it's at it's coldest in January and February with an average temperature of 3; and at it's warmest in July and August with an average temperature of 16.
The Greenland ice cap is the place with the coldest average temperature in the Northern hemisphere. There is a station called Eismitte on the ice cap at approx 71deg N 39 deg 56' W at an elevation of 3000 m or 9834' above sea level. The yearly average temperature there is -30deg C or -22 deg F.
The annual range of temperature may be described as the difference between the average of the highest and lowest temperatures recorded during a year.
No, January is not the coldest month in India. The coldest months in India typically vary by region, with December and January being the coldest months in northern India and parts of central India, while in southern India, the coldest month is usually December or January.
The average coldest month temperature is above 65 F
The average temperature in Michigan ranges from 14 degrees Fahrenheit to 83 degrees Fahrenheit. The month with the coldest average temperature is January and the month with the warmest average temperature is July.
average coldest month temperature above 65
The warmest month of the year is September with an average maximum temperature of 74.90 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is December with an average minimum temperature of 38.20 degrees Fahrenheit.
The warmest month on Mount Everest is July, the average temperature at the summit is -19 Celsius. The coldest month is January were the temperature on the summit can be around -30 and -60 Celsius.
The hottest city in Texas on average is McAllen. It has an average 12-month temperature of 74.6 degrees. In contrast, the coldest city in Texas is Stratford with an average 12-month temperature of 55 degrees.
The warmest month on Mount Everest is July, the average temperature at the summit is -19 Celsius. The coldest month is January were the temperature on the summit can be around -30 and -60 Celsius.
Chicago typically gets the most snow in the month of January. Snow accumulation can vary each year, but historically January has been the snowiest month in Chicago.
The average high for the year is approximately 87F or 30.5C. The average low for the year is approximately 64F or 17.7C. The warmest month is July and the coldest month is December on average.
Average temperature in Birmingham varies from month to month, it's at it's coldest in January and February with an average temperature of 3; and at it's warmest in July and August with an average temperature of 16.
Antarctica is as large as USA and Mexico, combined, so 'coldest month' varies, depending on where you are on the continent. Generally, the coldest month is the month before the sun comes up, and again, this month varies, depending on how far you are on the continent beyond the Antarctic Circle. The coldest temperature recorded on the continent was recorded at Vostok Research Station (Russia) in July 1983. The measurements were −89.2 °C, −128.6 °F; 184.0 K. This is the coldest temperature recorded on Earth.
The Greenland ice cap is the place with the coldest average temperature in the Northern hemisphere. There is a station called Eismitte on the ice cap at approx 71deg N 39 deg 56' W at an elevation of 3000 m or 9834' above sea level. The yearly average temperature there is -30deg C or -22 deg F.