The highest temperature ever recorded in Lancaster, CA is 121°F (49.4°C) on July 24, 2006.
The highest temperature ever recorded in Santa Cruz, California, was 109 degrees Fahrenheit on June 14, 2000.
The hottest day ever recorded in Whittier, CA was on September 5, 2020, with a temperature of 114°F (45.5°C).
The lowest temperature ever recorded in Long Beach, CA was 28°F (-2°C) on January 22, 1937.
The hottest day ever recorded in Fullerton, CA was on September 6, 2020, when the temperature reached 114°F.
There are about 262.717 miles between Crescent City, CA and Vacaville, CA.
The address of the Vacaville Museum is: 213 Buck Ave, Vacaville, CA 95688-3835
The coldest temperature ever recorded in Lancaster, CA was -18°F on January 4, 1963.
54 miles
48.7 miles
804 miles
About 55 miles.
It is 240 miles according to Google Maps.
According to Maps: Vacaville Calif. is 165 miles South of Redding, Calif. It's down if South is Down, and North is Up, which it is on most maps.
About 63 miles, or just over an hour driving time.
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