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The biggest carbon reservoir on Earth is the ocean. The oceans store approximately 38,000 billion metric tons of carbon, which is more than the amount stored in the atmosphere and terrestrial vegetation combined.

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Q: What is the biggest carbon reservoir on earth?
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What is the major reservoir of carbon on earth?

The major reservoir of carbon on Earth is found in rocks, particularly in the form of carbonate minerals like limestone. This carbon can be released into the atmosphere through processes like weathering and volcanic activity.

Where is the largest reservoir of carbon located on earth?

In the oceans

What is the largest carbon store found on earth?

The largest carbon store on Earth is in the oceans, particularly in the form of dissolved carbon dioxide and organic carbon in living organisms and marine sediments. The oceans play a crucial role in regulating the Earth's carbon cycle by absorbing and storing large amounts of carbon from the atmosphere.

Oceans are a reservoir for carbon stored as?

Oceans store carbon dioxide as dissolved inorganic carbon. This carbon is essential for regulating the Earth's climate.

Which is one of the largest carbon reservoirs on earth?

The largest carbon reservoir on Earth is the ocean, which contains about 50 times more carbon than the atmosphere. This carbon is stored mainly as dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and organic carbon in living organisms and in the sediments at the seafloor.

What does it mean for a carbon pool to be inorganic?

For a compound to be organic, it must have both carbon and hydrogen. Carbon in its elemental form is therefore inorganic. A carbon pool or stock or reservoir is simply a storage mechanism by which the Earth stores carbon.

Where is the earth's vast reservoir of nitrogen?

Earth's vast reservoir is in it's atmosphere which is roughly 79% nitrogen.

Which process moves carbon stored in fossil fuel into another carbon reservoir?

The burning of fossil fuels releases carbon that has been stored underground into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. This process is known as the combustion of fossil fuels.

What is the biggest reservoir in the US?

By volume, it would be the Lake Mean reservoir at the Hoover Dam, with a nominal volume of 37.2968 km³.

What is the largest reservoir for water on earth?

Lake Kariba in Zambia is the largest water reservoir on earth and runs 43cubic miles

Which area on the illustration represents the largest reservoir of nitrogen on earth?

The largest reservoir of nitrogen on Earth is in the atmosphere, which makes up about 78% of Earth's atmosphere.

The biggest reservoir or lake in the world?

the Atlantic oceanWhat? that's an ocean, The Caspian Sea is the largest lake, reservoir, I don't know.***The Caspian is a lake, not a reservoir, because it is natural.