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The water is much stronger than underneath the surface it has more FORCE!!!!!

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 2w ago

The area under the surface where rocks and soil are saturated with water is called the water table. It represents the boundary between the unsaturated zone above and the saturated zone below, where all spaces between particles are filled with water. The water table fluctuates in response to factors such as rainfall, evaporation, and groundwater extraction.

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Q: What is the area under the surface where rocks and soil are saturated with water?
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The layer you are referring to is called the saturated zone, or the water table. This is where all the empty spaces in the ground (pore spaces in rocks and soil) are filled with water, creating a zone where the rocks or soil are saturated with water.

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The water table or phreatic surface.

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