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The region surrounding Earth that is influenced by Earth's magnetic field is called the magnetosphere. This region helps protect Earth from harmful solar radiation and charged particles from the sun by deflecting them away from the planet. The magnetosphere extends into space and interacts with solar winds to create phenomena like the auroras.

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Q: What is the area surrounding earth that is influenced by earths magnetic field?
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What is the name of the area surrounding earth that is influenced by earths magnetic fields?

The area surrounding Earth that is influenced by Earth's magnetic fields is called the magnetosphere. Its primary function is to protect the planet from the solar wind and cosmic rays by deflecting charged particles.

Is it true that magnetic poles are defined by earths rotation?

No, it is not true. The magnetic poles may be influenced by Earth's rotation, but they are certainly not defined by it.

Where in the interior of earth do geologists believe that the earths magnetism is influenced?

Convection of liquid metals in the outer core creates the Earth's magnetic field.

Does the earths magnetic field cause the earth to tilt?

No, the Earth's magnetic field does not cause the Earth to tilt. The tilt of the Earth's axis, also known as obliquity, is believed to have been caused by the gravitational influence of other planets during the early formation of the solar system. The Earth's magnetic field is generated by the movement of molten iron in its outer core.

Where is earths magnetic fe ild created?

Earth's magnetic field is generated by the movement of molten iron and nickel in its outer core. The rotation of the Earth causes these metals to generate electric currents, which in turn create a magnetic field. This magnetic field extends around the Earth and helps protect it from solar winds and cosmic radiation.

How is the orientation of Earth's magnetism recorded in rocks on the ocean floor?

Earths magnetic orientation is locked into the rock when the rock cools

Earth's magnetic field results from the spinning of the?

The earths magnetic field results from deep in the earths core. Magnetic conduction from within the earths core is believed to be the cause of this.

Do the magnetic reactions which cause aurora borealis affect earths rotation like an electric motor?

No, the magnetic reactions that cause aurora borealis do not affect Earth's rotation like an electric motor. The aurora is a result of solar wind interacting with Earth's magnetic field, creating light displays in the polar regions. Earth's rotation is primarily influenced by gravitational forces, not by magnetic reactions.

What is the earths magnetic flip?

map earth upside down

What is the Earth's magnetic field called?

The Earth's magnetic field is called the geomagnetic field. It is generated by the motion of molten iron and nickel in the outer core of the Earth. This field is crucial for protecting our planet from harmful solar radiation.

Where does the earth's magnetic field get its power from?

earths magnetic field is generated by the circulation of liquid metal.

Is it true that the earths magnetic field always stayed the same?

No, the Earth's magnetic field is not constant and has changed in strength and direction over geologic time. This phenomenon is known as geomagnetic reversal, where the magnetic north and south poles switch places. The Earth's magnetic field is influenced by processes in the planet's outer core, so changes are to be expected over time.