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organic materials - if it means minerals then process is called mining.

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2mo ago

The removal of organic materials from the soil is called "decomposition" or "breakdown." This process occurs naturally as microorganisms, fungi, and other organisms break down organic matter into simpler components like carbon dioxide, water, and nutrients, thereby recycling and replenishing the soil.

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Q: What is removal of organic materials from the soil called?
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What is removal of organic material from the soil is?

organic materials - if it means minerals then process is called mining.

The organic materials formed in the soil from the decayed remains of plants and animals is called what?

It is called humus.humus

Removal of organic matierals from the soil is?


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Removal of nutrients from soil is called leaching

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Peat soil is typically acidic in nature due to the accumulation of organic matter over time. The decomposition of plants and other organic materials in peat soil releases organic acids, lowering the pH of the soil.

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The four main components of soil are organic materials, air, water, and inorganic materials.

How was material that was once living in the soil is called?

Material that was once living in the soil is called organic matter. This includes plant and animal remains, as well as microbes that break down organic materials. Organic matter plays a crucial role in soil health and fertility by providing nutrients for plants and promoting soil structure.

What is the decaying organic matter is soil called?

Decaying organic matter in the soil is called humus. When it is added to the soil deliberately, it is called compost.

What is the base material called from which soil is created?

The base material from which soil is created is called parent material. This can be rock, sediment, organic matter, or a combination of these materials that undergo weathering and decomposition processes to form soil.

How do people process soil?

by adding organic materials to the soil. by giving care for existing soil by adding minerals to the soil

Why is humus called the organic part of soil?

Humus is called the organic part of soil because it consists of decaying organic matter like plant and animal materials. It is rich in nutrients and helps improve soil structure, fertility, and moisture retention. Humus is a key component in supporting plant growth and overall soil health.