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weathering is a process in which land forms such as rocks'cliffs'beaches and soil are eroded i.e broken down over a period of is caused by the action of winds 'rain' water temperature an ice

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2mo ago

Weathering is the process by which rocks and minerals on the Earth's surface are broken down into smaller pieces. This can happen through physical processes like freezing and thawing, as well as chemical processes like oxidation and acid rain. Both mechanical and chemical weathering contribute to the gradual erosion and transformation of rocks over time.

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Q: What is meant by weathering and how it is caused?
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What type of weathering is water?

If you meant weathering that is caused by water; physical weathering is the answer.

What are four different type of weathering that can happen without the present of water?

Four types of weathering that can occur without water include mechanical weathering caused by temperature changes, chemical weathering due to oxygen in the air, biological weathering from plant roots and burrowing animals, and physical weathering caused by wind abrasion.

What are the 3 factors that affect weathering?

The three factors that affect weathering are mechanical weathering (physical breakdown of rocks), chemical weathering (chemical changes in rocks), and biological weathering (weathering caused by living organisms).

What is good pictoword for weathering?

A pictoword for weathering could be "time+" or "nature+". These combinations evoke the idea of weathering caused by the passage of time and the forces of nature.

What are the forces that cause weathering?

Weathering is primarily caused by three main forces: mechanical weathering, chemical weathering, and biological weathering. Mechanical weathering occurs when rocks are broken down into smaller pieces through physical processes such as freezing and thawing. Chemical weathering involves the breakdown of rocks through chemical reactions, such as oxidation and hydrolysis. Biological weathering is caused by living organisms, which can break down rocks by their growth, burrowing, or through chemical processes.

Related questions

What type of weather is water weathers?

If you meant weathering that is caused by water; physical weathering is the answer.

What is meant by weathering and is it caused?

weathering is a process in which land forms such as rocks'cliffs'beaches and soil are eroded i.e broken down over a period of is caused by the action of winds 'rain' water temperature an ice

What type of weathering is water?

If you meant weathering that is caused by water; physical weathering is the answer.

What form of weathering is caused by plants and animals?

Biological weathering

What causes the mechanical weathering in the Sahara?

Mechanical weathering in the Sahara is mainly caused by the wind. Other weathering is also caused by freezing temperatures and extreme heat.

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The mechanical weathering caused by grains of sand is called?

Mechanical weathering caused by grains of sand is called sand abrasion.

How is mechanically weathering caused by ice wedging similar to mechanical weathering caused by plant roots?

because iits formed by it difrent minarels

What are the factors that cause igneous rocks to break down?

weathering, there are four types of weathering, chemical weathering, caused by acid rain, onion skin weathering, caused by change in temperature eg in the dessert it's boiling at day and freezing at night, freeze-thaw weathering, caused by water freezing and melting, expnding a crack inside a rock, and biological weathering, caused by plants and animals (including humans) eg walking on stone steps again will eventually wear it.

What is meant by rock weathering?

The process of breaking down of rocks and minerals on the surface is known as rock weathering.

What are four different type of weathering that can happen without the present of water?

Four types of weathering that can occur without water include mechanical weathering caused by temperature changes, chemical weathering due to oxygen in the air, biological weathering from plant roots and burrowing animals, and physical weathering caused by wind abrasion.

What are the 3 factors that affect weathering?

The three factors that affect weathering are mechanical weathering (physical breakdown of rocks), chemical weathering (chemical changes in rocks), and biological weathering (weathering caused by living organisms).