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The loose material is called sediment. It may include bits of rock, minerals, and organic material like plant and animal remains. This sediment can accumulate in layers over time and eventually become sedimentary rock through processes like lithification.

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Q: What is loose material such as bits or rock minerals and plant and animal remains called?
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Are rocks that contain preserved plant and animal remains?

Rocks that contain preserved plant and animal remains are called fossils. Fossils can provide valuable information about past life forms and environments on Earth. They are typically formed through the process of mineralization, where the remains are gradually replaced by minerals in the surrounding rock.

How was material that was once living in the soil is called?

Material that was once living in the soil is called organic matter. This includes plant and animal remains, as well as microbes that break down organic materials. Organic matter plays a crucial role in soil health and fertility by providing nutrients for plants and promoting soil structure.

What is the name of the dark decaying matter is soil?

The dark decaying matter in soil is called humus. Humus is a rich organic material that forms as plant and animal remains decompose, contributing to soil fertility and structure.

What is the density of silicate?

There is no material simply called "silicate," so this question does not have an answer. There is a mineral called silica. There is a whole class of minerals called silicates as a group. There is the element silicon. Once you specify which specific material you need the density of, then you can get an answer.

The procces of changing the hard parts of the remains of an animal or plant with minerals?

The process you are referring to is fossilization. Fossilization occurs when the hard parts of an organism, such as bones or shells, are replaced by minerals over time. This preserves the organism's structure and allows us to study ancient life forms.

Related questions

What is The process of changing the hard part of the remains of an animal or plant with minerals?

It's called 'calcification'

The process of changing the hard parts of the remains of an animal or plant with minerals is called?

The process of changing the hard parts of animal or plant remains with minerals is called fossilization. This process can involve the replacement of organic materials with minerals, preserving the structure of the original organism as a fossil for scientific study.

What is the process of changing the hard parts of the remains of an animal or plant with minerals?

Fossilisation; Fossilization for Americans.

What do minerals seeping into an organisms remains form?

Minerals seeping into an organism's remains can form fossils through a process called mineralization. Over time, the minerals replace the original organic material, preserving the structure of the organism in the rock.

What is decaying plants and animal remains called?

When plants and animals (any living matter) decay, their remains are in the soil, in the material called humus.

What is it called when a structure is filled in with minerals after a animal dies?

It is called fossilization or petrification. This process involves minerals replacing the organic material of an organism, resulting in the preservation of its structure in rock.

What fossil formed when dissolved minerals replace the remains of an organism and then harden to form rock?

A fossil formed in this way is called a petrified fossil. It occurs when minerals gradually replace the organic material in an organism's remains, creating a stone replica of the organism. This process is known as petrification.

Are rocks that contain preserved plant and animal remains?

Rocks that contain preserved plant and animal remains are called fossils. Fossils can provide valuable information about past life forms and environments on Earth. They are typically formed through the process of mineralization, where the remains are gradually replaced by minerals in the surrounding rock.

Is the fossilization process by which the original material is dissolved and new materials added called replacement?

Yes, the process of fossilization where the original material is dissolved and replaced by new minerals is called replacement. It occurs when groundwater carrying minerals seeps through the remains of an organism and deposits new mineral materials in place of the original organic material, producing a fossil with the same shape as the original organism.

How can a rock be made from the remains of an animal?

When an animal dies, its remains can undergo a process called fossilization where its tissues are gradually replaced by minerals. Over time, this can result in the formation of a rock-like structure called a fossil. The fossil preserves the shape and structure of the original organism and provides valuable information about prehistoric life.

What is raw material containing valuable minerals called?


What is dead plants or animals that have turned into rock?

Fossils are the preserved remains or traces of plants and animals that lived in the past. Through a process called petrification, minerals replace the organic material in the remains, turning them into rock-like structures over time.