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It is called constructing terraces. Terracing involves creating flat steps or strips along the contours of a hilly area to prevent soil erosion caused by rainfall and wind. This practice helps to retain water, reduce runoff, and protect the soil.

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Q: What is it called to make large flat steps in hilly areas so that rain and wind don't erode the soil away as quickl?
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Which of the gauges is used in the hilly areas?

A vacuum gauge is typically used in hilly areas to monitor engine performance and to assist in fuel economy management. It helps drivers adjust their throttle input to optimize fuel efficiency when driving up and down steep inclines.

What kind of farming is done in hilly areas to protect soil erosion?

Terracing is a common farming practice in hilly areas to protect soil erosion. It involves creating level steps on the slopes to reduce water runoff and prevent soil from being washed away. Additionally, agroforestry, using trees and shrubs in combination with crops, can help stabilize the soil and protect against erosion in hilly regions.

How do you conserve soil in hilly areas?

To conserve soil in hilly areas, techniques such as contour plowing, terracing, and planting cover crops can be used. These practices help to slow down water runoff, reduce erosion, and promote soil health by preventing soil loss. Additionally, maintaining vegetative cover and reducing heavy machinery use can further help in conserving soil in hilly terrains.

Describe What steps can be taken to control the soil erosion in hilly areas?

To control soil erosion in hilly areas, techniques such as terracing, contour farming, and planting cover crops can be used. Planting trees and shrubs can also help stabilize the soil. Implementing erosion control structures like check dams and retaining walls can further prevent erosion in hilly terrains. Proper land use planning and maintaining vegetative cover are essential measures to control soil erosion effectively.

What are the effects of soil erosion on hilly areas?

Soil erosion in hilly areas can lead to loss of fertile topsoil, increased sedimentation in water bodies, decreased agricultural productivity, destabilization of slopes leading to landslides, and disruption of ecosystems. It can also result in increased flooding and reduced water quality due to sediment runoff.

Related questions

What are roads in hilly regions called?

Roads in hilly regions are sometimes called switchbacks. These are roads that sort of meander back and forth to allow for slower rates of climb and descent on hilly areas.

How can you hear radio transmission in hilly areas?

radio transmission can be heard in hilly areas because of diffraction

What are the best transportation means in hilly areas?

Depending on how hilly, a 4-wheel drive is the best transportation for hilly areas. Of course, for small hills, any transportation will work.

Where is air pressure at its minimum?

at hilly areas and coastal areas

Why can you hear the radio but not see the tv in hilly areas?

you hear the radio but not see the tv in hilly areas bcz of diffraction Read more:Why_can_you_hear_the_radio_but_not_see_the_tv_in_hilly_areas

Give you the quotation about a visit to a hill station?

"Those people are lucky who can afford to go in the hilly areas" "Nature is at her best in the hilly areas"

What dietary source is required for production of thyroid hormones?

That source is called as potassium iodide. It is less available in hilly areas.

Where are fir trees goes?

to hilly areas that is the place

Which gauge is used in the hilly areas?

the 12 gauge

Open river valleys in hilly areas?


Did cooking is faster in hilly areas?

Not exactly, but cooking is faster in higher altitudes. Hilly areas do mean higher altitute, so if this hilly area happens to be of several hundred feet or higher from sea level, then it is most likely true.

What is the adaptation in plants of hilly areas what called plant adaptation in hilly areas?

Plants in hilly areas have adaptations such as deep root systems to anchor themselves on steep slopes, flexible stems to withstand strong winds, and smaller leaves to reduce water loss. These adaptations help plants survive in the challenging conditions of hilly terrain.