External forcing refers to any factor outside a system that influences its behavior or evolution. In the context of climate science, external forcing typically refers to natural or human-induced factors that alter the Earth's energy balance, leading to changes in climate. These can include greenhouse gas emissions, volcanic eruptions, solar radiation, and variations in the Earth's orbit.
A mountain is formed by both internal and external forces. Internal forces, such as tectonic plate movement and volcanic activity, cause the uplift of the Earth's crust. External forces, such as erosion by wind, water, and ice, shape the mountain's surface over time.
Weathering and erosion are two external processes that act on Earth's surface to break down and transport rocks and sediments.
Earthquakes are internal forces of change caused by tectonic plate movement and stress release along faults within the Earth's crust. They are not considered external forces as they originate from within the Earth.
External structure refers to the physical form or arrangement of something outside of its core components. This can include the shape, appearance, or design of an object, organism, or system. It often plays a role in the function or behavior of the entity.
The 3 external forces acting on Earth are gravity from the Sun and Moon, solar radiation pressure, and tidal forces from the Moon and Sun.
Forcing frequency refers to the frequency at which an external force is applied to a system. This force can cause the system to oscillate or vibrate with the same frequency as the external force. In physics and engineering, understanding the forcing frequency is essential for analyzing the system's response and behavior.
The lotion was clearly labelled "for external use only."the waited on the external of the building
B. Booth has written: 'Exploring the linearity of the climate response to external forcing'
Sentence for forcing: Why are you forcing me to do this?
No, the amplitude of the forced vibration will remain constant as long as the frequency of the external forcing matches the natural frequency of the system. If the external frequency does not match the natural frequency, the amplitude of the forced vibration may vary depending on the damping in the system.
forcing you how?see link
Forcing Out the Silence was created on 2004-01-01.
Internalizing an external cost means incorporating the cost of negative externalities, such as environmental damage or health impacts, into the pricing of a product or service. This helps reflect the true cost of production and consumption by accounting for effects beyond the immediate transaction.
The cast of Forcing Function - 2008 includes: Renae
Another word for kidnapping and forcing someone to do something is "abduction."
Pressgang was forcing ordinary people in a port onto a boat to be sailors.
Forcing Around - 2010 was released on: USA: 24 December 2010 (internet)