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an "earthquick" is not real

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3mo ago

An earthquake is a sudden shaking of the ground caused by the movement of tectonic plates beneath the Earth's surface. This movement releases energy in the form of seismic waves that can cause damage to buildings and infrastructure. Earthquakes can range in severity from minor tremors to devastating quakes with widespread destruction.

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Q: What is earthquick?
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How do you spell earthquick?

The correct spelling is earthquake.

What word means the study of earthquick?

"Seismology" is the study of earthquakes.

Was san gabriel ever damaged?

yes it was damaged from the 1718 earthquick

How many people died in the 1920 china earthquick?

69 billion

How many people get injured in haiti earthquick?

over 300,000 people are injured in Haiti

What do people do in an earthquick?

they find shelter and go in or under it , for an example they would go under a table

How do you get the tsunami vortex to activate on blue dragon?

it is activate by a earthquick, a volcano eruption, and a meteor impact

Is this is true the big earthquick will come in 2012?

well there has been alot of scary stuff going on so yes

If there an Earthquick what the affect on the airplane?

If the plane is on air there is not at all any effect. If it is on the ground it depends on the earthquake and where the plane is situated. In a clear area thr plane would not have much effect.

What day it a next earthquick?

I don't have the ability to predict when earthquakes will occur. Earthquakes happen randomly and are impossible to forecast accurately. It's essential to always be prepared and have a plan in place for natural disasters.

How earthquick come?

Earthquakes are caused by the release of built-up stress along geological faults in the Earth's crust. This can happen due to the movement of tectonic plates, volcanic activity, or other geological processes. The sudden release of energy creates seismic waves that can result in ground shaking.

Why do you think there is often only a short amount of time to evacuate an area before an earthquick?

There is often a short amount of time to evacuate before an earthquake because earthquakes can occur suddenly without warning. Providing accurate early warnings can be challenging due to the unpredictable nature of seismic events. Quick evacuation protocols are in place to mitigate the risk of injury or harm to individuals in the affected area.