Average temperature/weather during Transatlantic crossing mid September?
The average temperature for a transatlantic crossing in September can vary depending on the specific route and starting point. However, in general, temperatures on the North Atlantic can range from around 50°F to 70°F during this time of year. It is recommended to check the specific weather forecast for the route you will be taking for more accurate information.
The average temperature in New York City in mid September is typically around 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit (21-24 degrees Celsius). However, temperatures can vary each year due to weather patterns and climate change.
The average temperature in Newfoundland during the month of September typically ranges from 10°C to 16°C. However, temperatures can vary depending on the specific location within Newfoundland and the weather patterns for that particular year.
Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the earth's surface.
Average temperature in Birmingham varies from month to month, it's at it's coldest in January and February with an average temperature of 3; and at it's warmest in July and August with an average temperature of 16.
To calculate the average temperature, you add up all the temperatures and then divide by the number of temperatures you added together. This gives you the average temperature.
What is the average temperature late September in Chicago \
what is the average temperature in September in Sardinia Get ore Info on Sardinia in September here: http://www.lamurichessa.it/LaMurichessa05_e_private_accomodation_breakfast_sardinia.htm
The average temperature in Marbella for the month of September is 23o C.
The average temperature in Oslo in September was 10,8oC in 2008.
The average high temperature in Albuquerque in September is 82 degrees Fahrenheit. The average low temperature in Albuquerque in September is 56 degrees Fahrenheit.
the average tempo is 15.6C
The average zeppelin transatlantic flight time is approximately 3 to 4 days.
The average temperature in Florence, Oregon in September is around 50-70°F. This can vary depending on the specific day and weather conditions.
Usually in the 70's
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