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"Base" of a mountain is widely recognized as correct.

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The base of a mountain is another term for the bottom or lower part of the mountain.

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Q: What is another name for bottom of mountain?
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What layer of a rock in a mountain is the oldest?

The layer at the bottom of the mountain is typically the oldest, as rocks are usually deposited in chronological order with the oldest rocks at the bottom and the youngest at the top. This principle is known as the law of superposition.

What is the bottom of a mountain called?

There are a variety of names which all have the same meaning: 'the bottom of a mountain'. Use an online dictionary engine or a printed dictionary book to find out more names, here are only a few bound to be in a dictionary.Base - most commonly usedValley - normally the lowest point of a mountainNadir - scientifically usedBottom - also widely usedFlat - named after the flat surface at the bottom of a mountainFind out more names for 'the bottom of a mountain' if you are keen or curious - use a reference book, a thesaurus, a dictionary or a search engine! Good luck!

What is the another name for Relief rainfall?

Another name for Relief rainfall is Orographic rainfall. This type of rainfall is caused by the lifting of moist air over a mountain range, resulting in cooling and condensation of the air, leading to precipitation.

The downwind side of a mountain is called?

The downwind side of a mountain is called the leeward side. This side is sheltered from the prevailing wind and may experience drier conditions due to the rain shadow effect.

Would the pressure be greater at the top of a mountain or at the bottom of it?

At the bottom. You can think of the air pressure at a given location as being the weight of all the air in a column above it. Thus, the higher you go, the less air there is above you, and thus the lower the air pressure. In the extreme, when you rise out of the athmosphere, there is no air above you at all, and the air pressure is effectively zero - a vacuum. Air pressure is greater at the bottom of a mountain.

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