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One example of a mineral with low specific gravity is pumice. Pumice is a volcanic rock formed from frothy lava with numerous gas bubbles trapped within its structure, resulting in a low density and specific gravity.

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Q: What is an example of a mineral with low specific gravity?
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What mineral is very easily scratched and found in the drywalls of a house?

Gypsum is a mineral commonly found in drywall that is easily scratched due to its low hardness on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness.

What is an example of mechanical weathering by gravity?

An example of mechanical weathering by gravity is a rock falling down a steep cliff and breaking into smaller pieces as it hits the ground. This process is called rockfall and is a common way in which gravity causes mechanical weathering by physically breaking apart rocks.

How does flood water and low gravity affect erosion and deposition?

Flood water can accelerate erosion by carrying away large amounts of sediment and debris. In low gravity environments, such as on Mars or the Moon, erosion is typically slower due to reduced impact forces of flowing water. Deposition in flood waters is influenced by gravity, with heavier particles settling out first, while in low gravity environments, sedimentation may be less pronounced.

What mineral has nonmetallic luster is black and can be scratched by a fingernail?

The mineral that fits this description is graphite. It has a nonmetallic luster, is black in color, and has a low hardness that allows it to be easily scratched by a fingernail.

Uranium oxide can be refined to make fuels for nuclear reactors this is an example of a mineral being used for purpose?

Yes, uranium oxide is refined to extract uranium for use as fuel in nuclear reactors, which generate electricity through controlled nuclear fission reactions. This is an example of how minerals can be utilized for specific purposes in various industries, such as energy production.

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Which mineral float in water?

Some minerals that can float in water include pumice, zeolite, and perlite due to their low density. These minerals have air pockets or low specific gravity, allowing them to float on the surface of water.

What is the specific gravity of lithium?

The specific gravity of lithium is around 0.534 grams per cubic centimeter, which is quite low compared to other metals.

Do diabetics have a high or low specific gravity?

Diabetics can have fluctuating specific gravity levels. In uncontrolled diabetes, specific gravity may be high due to dehydration caused by excessive urination. In controlled diabetes, specific gravity may be normal. It is important to consult a healthcare provider for accurate interpretation of specific gravity levels in diabetics.

What is the instrument that specific gravity of liquid is measured?

A hydrometer is typically used to measure the specific gravity of a liquid. It is a device that floats in the liquid and the specific gravity is determined by how high or low the hydrometer floats in the liquid.

What does Low specific gravity in urine mean?

You are dehydrated and you need to increase your fluid intake.

What is light oil?

Light oil has a low density and flows freely when found in room temperature. It also has low specific gravity and low viscosity.

Is urine specific gravity of 1.004 low?

Yes, it is very low. In some circumstances a very low urine specific gravity in combination with frequent urination and clear or nearly colorless urine can indicate that you might have diabetes insipidus. This is s serious medical condition that you should consult your doctor about.

What is an example of low specific heat?

An example of a substance with low specific heat is metal, such as iron or aluminum. These materials heat up quickly when exposed to heat and cool down quickly as well, due to their low specific heat capacity.

What does low specific gravity means in materials?

It means that the material has a low density. The practical implication is that a lot of it doesn't weigh much.

What has the highest specific gravity Styrofoam Water halite gold?

Gold has the highest specific gravity out of the options given, as it is a dense metal. Styrofoam has a low specific gravity because it is lightweight and mostly made up of air. Water has a specific gravity of 1, while halite (rock salt) is more dense than water but less dense than gold.

How does gravity affect oceans?

Gravity can pull water in and out, causing tide like motions. The gravity of the moon and sun, for example pull on the earths oceans and cause high and low tides.