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vassar, agua....H2O...

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3mo ago

Water is an element of nature that can cause mechanical weathering by flowing over rocks or carrying them along in a current. This process is known as abrasion, where water erodes rocks by rubbing against them and breaking them down into smaller pieces.

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Q: What is an element of nature that can cause mechanical weathering by flowing over rocks or carrying rocks along in a current?
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What is a element of nature that can cause mechanical weathering by flowing over or carrying rocks along in a current?

vassar, agua....H2O...

Element of nature that can cause mechanical weathering by flowing over or carrying rocks along in a current?

Water is the element of nature that can cause mechanical weathering by flowing over rocks in a current. As water moves, it can pick up and carry sediment, grinding against rocks and causing them to break down into smaller pieces. This process is known as abrasion.

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The release of pressure is a form of mechanical weathering. This process occurs when overlying materials are removed through erosion or due to changes in tectonic forces, causing the underlying rock to expand and crack due to the reduction in pressure.

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An element does not split up when a current passes through it. The current causes electrons to flow through the element, but the element remains intact.

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The current element is directly proportional to the current density. The current density is the electric current per unit area of cross section.

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No, sulfur is an element and not a mechanical mixture. It is a pure substance that consists of only sulfur atoms.

What element of nature causes weathering?

Most often it is caused over time by water and wind.

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Ag is the element Silver (a metal)