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The theory of general relativity, proposed by Albert Einstein, has not been proven false. It has been extensively tested and has accurately predicted various phenomena such as gravitational lensing and the existence of black holes.

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Q: What is a theory that has never been proven false?
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A theory is a hypothesis that has been proven true?

Actually, a theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is based on a body of evidence. It is supported by a wide range of experiments and observations, and is considered the most reliable and comprehensive explanation for a particular phenomenon. In contrast, a hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon that is still being tested and refined.

What is the leg plate theory?

The leg plate theory proposes that the Earth's lithosphere is broken into large plates that move and interact with each other at plate boundaries. These interactions lead to geological phenomena such as earthquakes, volcanic activity, and mountain building. The theory helps explain the distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes around the world.

What theory that continents move apart form each other?

The theory that explains how continents move apart from each other is called plate tectonics. This theory states that the Earth's lithosphere is divided into several large plates that float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere underneath, causing the plates to interact and move over time. As the plates move, they can separate from each other, leading to the drifting of continents apart.

The atomic theory proposed by Dalton has been?

The atomic theory proposed by Dalton has been widely accepted and forms the foundation of modern chemistry. It states that all matter is composed of small, indivisible particles called atoms, which combine in simple whole number ratios to form compounds. Dalton's theory also introduced the idea that atoms of different elements have different properties.

Has global warming been proven?

Yes, extensive scientific evidence supports the existence of global warming. Multiple studies have shown that increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, primarily from human activities, are driving global temperatures upward and leading to significant impacts on the environment.

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The theory that God created the Universe has never been proven.

Science question What is an idea that has never been proven wrong?


Is it correct to say gravity is only a theory?

No. It's never correct to say that anything is "only" a theory or "just" a theory or"merely" a theory or "nothing but" a theory or an "unproven" theory.A theory can never be proven, but it can be dis-proven in two seconds. If a theoryhas been around for three hundred years and it hasn't been dis-proven yet, thenthat's a pretty good indication that you can trust the statement it makes.

A theory that has been proven true repeatedly over time and never disproven is called?

A Law

Can a scientific theory be incorrect?

"Can a theory be proven incorrect?" absolutely, even after it has been successfully proven a "good scientific theory" (proven as in experimented, documented, tested ect...... )The theory itself can be retested and then also be proven to be incorrect. Such as subtle changes in the environment of which the study was tested can alter the results to be give a true or false outcome. Thus, in my opinion much of the reasoning behind the statement nothing in the World is absolutely 100%.

What is a Common theory?

A common theory is a theory which has not been proven or a theory without evidence.

Why is the big bang theory call theory?

It is called a theory because that is precisely what it is. It is not called a theory because it 'isn't real'. Evidence is still coming in, and over the next few generations there will be a more solid sense that it is either NOT a good working model of the universe we observe, or it IS a good working model. As is true of any basic theory, it may one day be over-turned and another model will take its place. Edit: To add to the point made above - Germ Theory is still a "Theory". Although it has not been proven false, nor do we expect it to, so its assumed to be true. Same with gravity, General Relativity is only a theory, but its not been proven false, nor do we expect it to. That is how science works. Nothing is ever proven true. Theories can only be proven false and when theories stand up to rigorous testing and competition and are not able to be proven false, they then become accepted as being true. Theory of Evolution being a great example. We now know evolution is fact, but the Theory of Evolution is our attempt to describe the process of evolution and the still evolving.

How does a theory different from law?

A law is something that is said to be true and is a establised int the science community already. A theory is something that a scientist has come up with that hasnt been proven true or false.

How do you prove the big bang theory right?

Proof of theories is an idea that trips up many people who are looking to make sense of sometimes widely differing views. No fundamental theory can ever be proven. There is no special Pronouncement that comes down to verify that a theory has become a "Law". It was thought that Newton's equations were Laws, and Einstein showed that they are not, or at least that they are limited in many ways. Some simple theories, the ones that can be completely revealed as true or false, can be proven right by simple experimentation and observation. If anyone ever had the theory that there is NO breathable atmosphere between the earth and moon, that theory has been proven right; there is no need to speculate further. The most fundamental theories can never be proven right, however. There is always the possibility that another observation or piece of research will uncover something that firmly contradicts the theory. The big bang theory is one of those theories that can never be proven.