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A person who digs for metal ore in the ground is called a miner. Miners extract ores like copper, iron, gold, and silver by breaking rock and retrieving the valuable minerals contained within.

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Q: What is a person who digs for metal ore in the ground?
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Related questions

What do you call a person who digs for metal ore in the ground?

A person who digs for metal ore in the ground is typically called a miner.

What is the name of a person who digs for metal ore in the ground?

A person who digs for metal ore in the ground is called a miner.

What do you call someone that digs for metal ore?

A person who digs for metal ore is typically called a miner.

How do you call someone who digs for metal ore in the ground?

A person who digs for metal ore in the ground is typically called a miner. Miners extract various types of metals such as gold, silver, copper, and iron from the earth for industrial use.

Who digs for metal ore in the ground?

That'd be a miner

Who digs for ore in the ground?

That'd be a miner

Is iron ore found in the ground?

yes the meaning of ore is raw metal

Is it true that a minor is anyone who searches for an ore deposit?

Spelling matters. A "minor" is a person who is too young to manage his own affairs and finances. A "miner" is someone who digs for minerals and resources in the ground.

Where are the major deposits of metal ore found?

in the ground somewhere

How do you get it out of the ground and make it into the metal?

First you have to mine it which gives you ore. then the raw ore has to go through the smelting process which separates the impurities from the metal.

How is metal produced from ore?

Metal is produced from ore through a process called smelting, where the ore is heated in a furnace with a reducing agent such as carbon to extract the metal. The metal is separated from the impurities in the ore and then further processed to obtain the desired purity and form. This process varies depending on the type of metal and ore being used.

Why cant you use ore straight from the ground?

Because it needs to be processed into the metal by smelting. Ore is a compound of the metal and oxygen or other elements, and often admixed with other, unwanted minerals such as silica.