Fixed volume has a fixed shape irrespective of quantity of its contents.usually solid containers,vessels,plastic buckets have fixed volume and shapes but may contain different amounts of matter.
The three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas. Solids have a fixed shape and volume, liquids have a fixed volume but take the shape of their container, and gases have neither a fixed shape nor volume and expand to fill their container.
A liquid is unique because it takes the shape of its container, flows easily, and does not have a fixed shape or volume. Liquids also have a definite volume, but no definite shape.
Liquid has a definite volume but takes the shape of its container. It has particles that are close together but can move past one another, giving it the ability to flow. Liquids are not easily compressible and exhibit surface tension.
Yes, a marble is a solid object. It is made of a hard material like glass, agate, or plastic, and maintains a fixed volume and shape.
Liquids have a fixed volume but do not have a fixed shape. They take the shape of their container due to their ability to flow and adapt to their surroundings.
A gas has no fixed volume or shape.
A solid has a fixed volume and does not change shape.
The phase of matter with no fixed shape but fixed volume is a liquid. Liquids take the shape of their container but maintain a constant volume because the particles are close together but can move past each other.
A liquid has a fixed volume but not a fixed shape. If you put it into a graduated cylinder, it will take the shape of the cylinder. If you put it into a bowl, it will take the shape of the bowl.
Yes, solids have a fixed shape and volume. The particles in a solid are closely packed and have strong intermolecular forces that prevent them from moving freely, thus maintaining a fixed shape and volume.
You are a solid. Solids have a fixed volume and shape because their particles are closely packed and arranged in a specific pattern, allowing them to maintain their form.
Solid: Particles are tightly packed together, have a fixed shape and volume, and vibrate in place. Liquid: Particles are close together but can flow and take the shape of their container, with a fixed volume. Gas: Particles are far apart, move freely, have no fixed shape or volume, and fill the entire container they are in.
liquids are Not rigid in shape, but DO have a fixed volume
Solids have a fixed volume or shape at room temperature or pressure.
liquid is the state of matter having indefinite shape but fixed volume.