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A deep narrow valley with high steep sides caused by weathering and erosion is known as a canyon. Canyons are typically formed over long periods of time by the action of rivers, glaciers, or other natural forces cutting through the rock.

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Q: What is a deep narrow valley with high steep sides caused by weathering and erosion?
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A deep steep sided Valley Forge by weathering and erosion is called a what?

A deep steep-sided valley formed by weathering and erosion is called a canyon. Canyons are typically formed by the gradual wearing away of rock by water and wind over long periods of time, creating a deep, narrow valley with steep sides.

A deep steep sided valley formed by weathering and erosion is called a?

A deep steep-sided valley formed by weathering and erosion is called a canyon. Canyons are typically formed by the action of rivers cutting through rock over long periods of time.

What is a narrow valley called?

a canyon, ravineor gorge

Which process weathering or erosion is easier to see actually taking place?

Erosion is typically easier to see taking place than weathering, as erosion involves the physical removal and transportation of rock and soil material by forces like water, wind, or ice. This movement of material can be observed directly, such as the gradual wearing away of a shoreline by waves or the carving of a river valley. Weathering, on the other hand, involves the breakdown of rock into smaller particles due to chemical or physical processes, which may not be as immediately noticeable.

What is a narrow valley with steep sides called?

A narrow valley with steep sides is called a gorge. It is typically formed by the action of a river eroding the rock over time, creating a deep and narrow channel.

What is A narrow deep valley with steep slides?

A ravine is a narrow, deep valley with steep sides typically formed by water erosion. It is often characterized by its rugged terrain and lack of vegetation.

What causes stream and valley erosion?

Stream erosion is mainly caused by the force of flowing water, which carries sediment and particles and can wear away the land it passes through. Valley erosion is a result of various factors, including the flow of water in streams and rivers, weathering of rocks, freeze-thaw cycles, and the movement of glaciers. Over time, these processes can shape and reshape the landscape of a valley.

Can a valley be broad or narrow?

Yes, a valley can be both broad and narrow. A broad valley typically has wide expanses of flat land between the surrounding mountains or hills, while a narrow valley is characterized by steep-sloped sides that are closer together. The width of a valley can vary depending on factors such as the geology, tectonic activity, and erosion processes that shaped it.

The most prominent features of a narrow V-shaped valley where the stream profile drops rapidly are .?

The most prominent features of a narrow V-shaped valley with a rapidly dropping stream profile are steep valley walls, narrow width of the valley bottom, and a pronounced V shape that indicates erosion by the stream. These valleys often exhibit vertical erosion and can be associated with fast-flowing water and a high energy environment.

What method of erosion caused valley?

The formation of valleys can be caused by different types of erosion, primarily by the flowing of water (fluvial erosion) or by glaciers (glacial erosion). Fluvial erosion occurs when water flows through a valley, gradually wearing down the rock and soil. Glacial erosion happens when moving glaciers cut and shape the land as they advance and retreat.

What is defined as narrow as deep valleys?

Ravines are defined as narrow, deep valleys usually created by the erosion of flowing water. They are typically steep-sided and can be found in mountainous or hilly regions.

How can a valley be formed by erosion and weathering?

A valley can be formed by erosion and weathering when a river or stream cuts through the land over time, wearing away the softer rock and soil. Additionally, weathering processes like freeze-thaw cycles and chemical weathering can break down the rocks along the valley walls, deepening and widening the valley over time.