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usually it is tropical

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Kip Strosin

Lvl 13
2y ago
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2mo ago

Low latitude climate refers to areas near the equator that typically experience warm temperatures year-round. These regions often have distinct wet and dry seasons due to the movement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, resulting in tropical climates characterized by high humidity and abundant rainfall. Examples include tropical rainforests and savannas.

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Which of the following is not a climate control latitude altitude distance from oceans distance from mountains?

Latitude is not a climate control factor. Climate is primarily influenced by latitude, altitude, distance from oceans, and distance from mountains.

What is the opposite of climate?

low latitude climate

Why is polar climate zone is the coldest of the three zones?

The polar climate zone is the coldest due to its location near the poles, where sunlight is limited and temperatures remain low throughout the year. Additionally, the snow and ice cover in this region reflect sunlight, preventing the ground from warming up. These factors combine to create the coldest climate zone on Earth.

What kind of temperature and precipitation are found in the high latitude climate zone?

High latitude climate zones typically experience low temperatures due to their proximity to the poles. Precipitation in these zones varies, with areas closer to the poles experiencing less precipitation due to the cold temperatures, while those closer to the arctic circle may receive more precipitation in the form of snow due to polar air masses.

What is mid-latitude climate include two coastal climate?

Mid-latitude climate is characterized by distinct four seasons, moderate precipitation, and variable weather patterns. Two examples of coastal climates found in mid-latitude regions are Mediterranean climate, which features dry summers and mild, wet winters, and maritime climate, with mild temperatures year-round and high humidity due to proximity to the ocean.

Related questions

What is the opposite of the polar climate?

low latitude climate

What does the impact of latitude do for climate?

what is the the impact of latitude on climate.

What is the climate for khartoum?

Khartoum is the capital and second largest city of the Republic of Sudan. It has a subtropical desert and low-latitude arid hot climate.

What is the climate to high latitude?

it is sever cold climate to high latitude

What is the influence of a latitude line on the climate?

Latitude lines are imaginary. They have no influence on climate.

Buneos a low latiude or middle latiude?

latitude affect climat when the closer latitude to the north the colder the climate gets and when it gets closer to the equator the wrmer it gets.

What has a colder climate high latitudes or low latitudes?

High latitudes have a colder climate compared to low latitudes. This is due to the angle of sunlight, which is more spread out at high latitudes leading to less direct heat energy reaching the Earth's surface. Additionally, low latitudes receive more direct sunlight year-round, helping to maintain warmer temperatures.

How does latitude affect the climate of various region of the earth?

It affects the climate because the climate zone is determined by the line of latitude.

What climate is most common above 70 n latitude what countries have this climate?

What climate is the most common about 70 degrees latitude?

What does latitude do to the climate?

the lower the latitude the higher the temp.

Is your latitude or your longitude a better predictor of the climate?


How do latitudes affct the climate?

Latitude (lines of latitude) are imaginary lines circiling the Earth, the do not effect climate.