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Earth hour is when everyone turns off the lights. Even in different countries the lights are turned off that would not have been turned off on a different day.

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7mo ago

Earth Hour is a global initiative organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) to raise awareness about climate change and environmental sustainability. Participants are encouraged to turn off non-essential lights for one hour to show support for tackling environmental issues and promoting energy conservation. Earth Hour symbolizes a collective effort to take action and protect the planet.

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Related questions

When was Earth Hour created?

Earth Hour was created in 2007.

Who participated in earth hour?

I took part in earth hour and hope it saved the earth did you take part????

Which countries participated in Earth Hour?

In 2010,128 countreis participated in earth hour

Where did earth hour stop?

It isn't clear what you mean by "earth hour", and how that would stop.

When is Earth Hour 2009?

earth hour on the year of 2009 is March 28th from 8.30pm to 9.30pm

How long do you have to put out the light on earth day?


When does earth hour start?

Earth hour starts at 8:30pm at your local time and finishes at 9:30pm your local time. In 2011, Earth Hour is on 26 March.

When is Earth hour in 2011?

In 2011, Earth Hour occurs at 8:30pm on Saturday 26 March.

What time is Earth Hour?

Earth Hour is on march 27th 2010 at 8:30pm to 9:30pm

Where can one watch Earth Hour videos?

Earth Hour videos can be found on the official Earth Hour website as well as the World Wildlife Federation's website. Additionally, video sharing websites like YouTube and Vimeo have Earth Hour videos that have been uploaded by users.

Do you turn your lights off for one minute or one hour on earth hour?

For Earth Hour, participants are encouraged to turn off their lights for one hour as a symbolic gesture of their commitment to protecting the planet.

Do you have to do earth hour?

No, but it would be very good to the Earth by planting a tree and turning off your lights for 1 hour!