-20 degrees Celsius is equal to -4 degrees Fahrenheit.
minus 40 degree celsius is equal to minus 40 degree fahrenheit, -39 degree Celsius = -38.2 degree Fahrenheit -40 degree Celsius = -40 degree Fahrenheit -41 degree Celsius = -41.8 degree Fahrenheit the degree celsius and degree fahrenheit coincides here correctly..!
20 degrees Celsius is colder than 18 degrees Celsius.
(-20) degrees Fahrenheit = -28.8 degrees Celsius.
-20 degrees Celsius is colder than -18 degrees Celsius.
-20 degrees Celsius is equal to -4 degrees Fahrenheit.
minus 40 degree celsius is equal to minus 40 degree fahrenheit, -39 degree Celsius = -38.2 degree Fahrenheit -40 degree Celsius = -40 degree Fahrenheit -41 degree Celsius = -41.8 degree Fahrenheit the degree celsius and degree fahrenheit coincides here correctly..!
20 degree Celsius = 68 degree Fahrenheit
20 degree Celsius = 68 degree Fahrenheit
20 degrees Celsius is colder than 18 degrees Celsius.
(-20) degrees Fahrenheit = -28.8 degrees Celsius.
20 degrees Fahrenheit = (minus) -6.67degrees Celsius
-20 degrees Celsius is colder than -18 degrees Celsius.
-4 Fahrenheit.
It just remains as water. The freezing point of water is 0 degrees Celsius, while the freezing point is 100 degrees Celsius. Therefore at 20 degrees Celsius, there is no change in state and it just remains as water.
-20 degrees Celsius is equivalent to -4 degrees Fahrenheit.
20 degree Celsius = 68 degree Fahrenheit