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A seismograph measures and records the waves generated by earthquakes and similar seismic events.

Earlier devices had separate measuring (seismometer) and recording instruments.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

A seismometer is the instrument that detects and measures waves produced by an earthquake. It records the movement of the ground caused by seismic waves and provides data to help study and understand earthquakes.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

The instrument used to measure earthquakes is called a seismometer, which measures the motions of the ground. The old term for this was a seismograph(where the equipment for measuring and plotting the data was combined unlike in the modern equipment where these functions are separate).

These measurements are quantified in a numeric range in the Richter scale or moment magnitude scale.

Earthquakes are given a number on the logarithmic scales descibed above depending on the amplitude of the waves measured (or on the size of the fault rupture zone).

Due to the sensititivity of older equipment Richter chose the amplitude for a magnitude zero earthquake as a displacemnt of 1 micrometer (with the assumption that this would prevent negative magnitude values being calculated). However modern equpoment is significantly more sensitive and so commonly record earthquakes with negative magnitudes.

There is no theorectitcal upper limit on earthquake magnitude values however in practice no earthquake has been recorded on earth with a magnitude larger than 9.5.
if you mean earth quakes these are measured on a richter scale.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

The seismometer detects and measures the earthquake vibrations or shock waves that the seismograph records. The scale used to measure the strength of an earthqauke is most commonly the Richter Scale.
Seismograph and Seismogram
its called a Seismograph
There are two instruments, which are basically the same thing. There is the seismograph , and a more specific tool measures the waves on what is called the Richter scale. Earthquakes are given a number from one to ten, ten being the strongest. The strongest earthquake that their ever was, was measured a 9.3.

A seismograph
a seismograph

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βˆ™ 10y ago

well basically there are many different types of equipment used to measure and earthquake, but the most common is the 'richter scale'. The richter scale is just a pendulum that gives an earthquake a scale for example a low power earthquake would be a 2.5, a medium would be a 5-6 and a high of 8, very high would be 9 and above. To give you an idea the biggest ever recorded earthquake was the great chilliean earthquake wich measures an impressive 9.5 on the richter scale.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

That is a Seismometer
a seismometer

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βˆ™ 8y ago

A seismometer measures underground motions that signal an earthquakes. Around the world, small earthquakes happen every day, multiple times a day.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

Seismograph is the instrument that measures ground vibrations.

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Q: What is the instrument that detects and measures waves produced by an earthquake?
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The instrument that detects seismic waves is called a seismometer or seismograph. It measures the vibrations caused by seismic waves in the Earth's crust and can help to monitor and study earthquakes.

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