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Abiotic factors

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The combination of pH, humidity, gases, salinity, sunlight, and soil in an area collectively determine its environmental conditions. These factors influence the types of plants and animals that can thrive in that particular ecosystem and play a crucial role in shaping the ecosystem's overall biodiversity and productivity.

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Q: What includes the PH humidity gases salinity sunlight and soil in an area?
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Where do greenhouses gases trap energy?

Greenhouse gases trap energy in the Earth's atmosphere by absorbing and re-emitting infrared radiation. This process leads to the warming of the Earth's surface, known as the greenhouse effect. The main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor.

What is the thick brown haze formed when certain gases react in sunlight?

The thick brown haze formed when certain gases react in sunlight is called smog. It is typically a mixture of pollutants such as nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, and particulate matter that undergo chemical reactions in the presence of sunlight to form photochemical smog.

What class of element includes all of the elements that are gases at room temperature?

The class of elements that includes all elements that are gases at room temperature is the noble gases. These are located in Group 18 of the periodic table and include elements such as helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon.

What is difference between dry air and atmospheric air?

Dry air refers to air with very low moisture content, often in indoor environments where humidity is controlled. Atmospheric air, on the other hand, is the mixture of gases surrounding the Earth, which includes water vapor, nitrogen, oxygen, and other trace gases. Atmospheric air has varying moisture content depending on factors like humidity and location.

What are the major gases in the atmosphere of Eris?

Eris has a thin atmosphere composed mainly of nitrogen and methane gas. These gases are thought to be released from the surface ice of the dwarf planet due to sunlight reacting with the frozen molecules.

Related questions

What includes pH humidity gases salinity and sunlight soil in an area?

Abiotic factors

Is humidity part of the water physical state?

No. The water vapor part is, but the rest of the gases (required in order to have the concept of humidity) is not.

What is the sunlight made of?

The sun is made of Solar Gases

What controls the density of sea water?

The main factors controlling the density of seawater are temperature and salinity. Colder water is denser than warmer water, and water with higher salinity is denser than water with lower salinity. Other factors, such as pressure and the presence of dissolved gases, can also influence seawater density.

How does greenhouses gases affect Earth by?

trapping heat from sunlight reflected by Earth.

What happens in a greenhouse?

In a greenhouse the gases in a greenhouse collect the sunlight and trap the heat. This provides sunlight and a warm temperature for plants to be able to grow.

Why are gas giants warmer toward the core?

All the gases pull the sunlight to the core.

What happen to earth as a result of greenhouse gases?

sunlight enters earth through atmosphere, reflected from the ground, greenhouse gases prevent them from escaping, they are trapped inside, sunlight=heat, therefore earth's temperature gradually increases

Is humidity a mixture compound or solution?

Humidity is the measure of how much water vapor that can't rise to the clouds there is in the air that have been combined with all the gases in the air. So, yes it is water mixed with all the air's gases.

What causes earth surface to get warm?

Sunlight. The warmth rises into the atmosphere where some is trapped by greenhouse gases. These warm gases then warm the earth's surface again.

What gases a leaft give out in bright sunlight?

Oxygen is given out.Photosynthesis produce giving out O2.

List all the Biotic and Abiotic factors?

Biotic factors are living factors within an ecosystem, such as plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria. Abiotic factors are non-living factors, such as temperature, water, sunlight, soil, and air. Both types of factors interact to shape an ecosystem's structure and function.