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Moisture is the main factor that helps dirt clump together. As dirt becomes damp, the individual particles stick together more easily, forming clumps. Additionally, the presence of organic matter or clay in the dirt can help enhance clumping.

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What is Another word for clump of dirt?

A synonym for clump of dirt could be "lump of earth" or "pile of soil."

Use the word clump in a sentence?

I found a clump of soil stuck to my shoe after walking through the muddy field.

Another word for a clump of dirt?

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Does dirt on the outside of a car cause drag?

No dirt is normally mynewt, so it does not cause drag, but if there was a large clump stuck to it yes, it would cause drag

What is the collective noun for dirt?

There is no standard collective noun for the noun 'dirt'. However, collective nouns are an informal part of language, any noun that suits the context can function as a collective noun. Some examples are, a clump of dirt, a pot of dirt, a pile of dirt, etc.

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A hunk of dirt refers to a large, solid chunk or clump of soil or earth. It could be compacted soil that has retained its shape or a piece of earth that has been dug up or broken off from a larger mass.

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