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Hardly any, just a few inches in the last decade.

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Sea levels have risen by an average of about 8 inches in the last 100 years, with the rate of rise accelerating in recent decades due to climate change. Factors contributing to this rise include thermal expansion of seawater and melting ice caps and glaciers. Continued monitoring and research are essential to understanding and addressing the impacts of rising sea levels on coastal communities and ecosystems.

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Q: What have been sea level changes in the last 100 years?
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Why has there been no global warming in the last 17 years?

Global warming has continued in the last 17 years, although there may have been periods where the rate of warming slowed. Natural climate variability, such as volcanic eruptions and changes in ocean currents, can contribute to short-term fluctuations. However, the overall trend of warming is still evident in the long-term data.

How much has the ocean grown in the last ten years?

It hasn't really "grown", but in terms of sea level rise, there has been a little bit. Sea level has been rising by a couple mm/year, so that would be a couple cm in the last 10 years. It has really not expanded in area though.

How has the earth changed in the last 225million years?

In the last 225 million years, Earth has undergone significant changes, including the breakup of the supercontinent Pangaea, the movements of tectonic plates leading to the configuration of continents as we see them today, multiple ice ages, changes in sea levels, and the evolution and extinction of numerous species. These changes have shaped Earth's landscapes, climates, and biodiversity.

What is Length of time since the last ice age?

The last ice age, known as the Great Ice Age or the Pleistocene Epoch, lasted from about 2.6 million years ago to around 11,700 years ago. So, it has been approximately 11,700 years since the last ice age ended.

What are Elements discovered in the last 100 years?

Some elements discovered in the last 100 years include Americium, Curium, Californium, Berkelium, and Moscovium. These elements have been synthesized in laboratories through nuclear reactions and have various applications in nuclear technology and research.

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