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Sediment carried by water can be deposited along riverbanks, in lakes, or the ocean, forming sediment layers. It can also be transported over long distances and eventually settle at the ocean floor. Sediment can impact aquatic ecosystems, increase turbidity, and contribute to erosion.

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Q: What happens to the sediment that is carried by water?
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What is term given to soil that settles in water?

The term for soil that settles in water is sediment. Sediment is the material that is carried and deposited by water, wind, or glaciers.

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What is the name for rock and soil carried by water?

it absorbs water

What is the process that happens when small pieces of sediment are carried away?

When small pieces of sediment are carried away, it is known as erosion. This process can be caused by various agents like wind, water, or ice, which transport the sediment to new locations. Erosion plays a key role in shaping the Earth's surface over time.

What happens to a river?

Sediment and small rocks are carried down in the river and are deposited.

The dirt or topsoil carried by running water is called?

Sediment. Sediment carried by running water can include a variety of particles such as silt, clay, sand, and gravel. This process can lead to erosion and sediment deposition in different locations.

What can sediment can be carried by?

Sediment can be carried by water, wind, ice, and gravity. Water is the most common medium for transporting sediment, with wind being the next most common. Ice can transport sediment when it freezes into glaciers or ice sheets, and gravity can cause sediment to move downhill in the form of landslides or rockfalls.

The dirt or topsoil carried by running water is called slope?

The dirt or topsoil carried by running water is called sediment.

What is the total quantity of sediment carried by a river called?

The total quantity of sediment carried by a river is called its sediment load. This includes both suspended sediment (particles floating in the water) and bedload (particles rolling or sliding along the riverbed).

The eroded materials carried by water or wind are called?


What is the Fancy scientific names for particles of rock being carried along in water?

I would consider tiny pieces of rock carried by water to be sediment. Sediment is generally clay or sand particles, but any type of rock ground into fine particles can be carried by water. This may include igneous-type rocks (those that come from around volcanoes and the bottom of the ocean).

Eroded materials carried by wind or water are called?

Eroded materials carried by wind or water are called sediment.