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The sun heats the surface of the Earth, and some of this heat goes into warming the air near the surface.

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Kylee Homenick

Lvl 10
βˆ™ 4y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

As air on the surface of the Earth warms, its density decreases. This is because warm air expands and becomes less dense than cold air, causing it to rise. This process is known as convection, where warmer, less dense air rises and displaces colder, denser air.

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Q: What happens to the density of the air as air on the surface of the earth warms?
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As the air on the surface of earth warms does its density increase or decrease?

As air on Earth's surface warms, its density decreases because the air molecules gain energy and move farther apart. This decrease in density is why warm air tends to rise, as it is less dense than the cooler air around it.

What happens to solar energy that is absorbed at earth's surface?

Solar energy that is absorbed at Earth's surface is transformed into heat, which warms the surface. This heat can then be radiated back into the atmosphere as infrared radiation. Some of this heat is trapped by greenhouse gases, contributing to the Earth's overall temperature.

How does air heated near the earth's surface?

Air near the Earth's surface is heated primarily through the transfer of energy from the Sun. The Sun's radiation warms the ground, which in turn warms the air in contact with it through conduction. Warm air rises due to its lower density, creating convection currents that further distribute this heat throughout the atmosphere.

What type of energy warms the earth?

The main type of energy that warms the Earth is solar energy from the Sun. This energy is absorbed by the Earth's surface and then radiated back as heat, contributing to the planet's overall temperature.

Do air on the surface of earth warms the density of the air?

When air on the Earth's surface is warmed, it expands and becomes less dense. The molecules move further apart from each other, decreasing the air's density. Conversely, when air cools, it contracts and becomes denser as the molecules come closer together.

Related questions

As the air on the surface of earth warms does its density increase or decrease?

As air on Earth's surface warms, its density decreases because the air molecules gain energy and move farther apart. This decrease in density is why warm air tends to rise, as it is less dense than the cooler air around it.

What heat warms the surface of the earth?

the sun

What happens as the sun's heat warms the earth's surface?

The heat rises in the form of infrared radiation, which is easily captured by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

What happens to solar energy that is absorbed at earth's surface?

Solar energy that is absorbed at Earth's surface is transformed into heat, which warms the surface. This heat can then be radiated back into the atmosphere as infrared radiation. Some of this heat is trapped by greenhouse gases, contributing to the Earth's overall temperature.

What happens when the sun warms the earth's water?

The water evaprates

How does air heated near the earth's surface?

Air near the Earth's surface is heated primarily through the transfer of energy from the Sun. The Sun's radiation warms the ground, which in turn warms the air in contact with it through conduction. Warm air rises due to its lower density, creating convection currents that further distribute this heat throughout the atmosphere.

What is the way the sun's energy is absorbed by the earths surface and warms the earth?

the answer is conduction

What is the source of energy that heats earth's surface?

The sun is the source of energy that heats earth's surface. Radiation from the sun comes through the atmosphere, largely unhindered, and warms the surface of the earth.

What is a type of electromagnetic wave that warms earth?

Infrared radiation is a type of electromagnetic wave that warms the Earth. These waves are emitted by the sun and absorbed by the Earth's surface, leading to an increase in temperature.

What type of energy warms the earth?

The main type of energy that warms the Earth is solar energy from the Sun. This energy is absorbed by the Earth's surface and then radiated back as heat, contributing to the planet's overall temperature.

Do air on the surface of earth warms the density of the air?

When air on the Earth's surface is warmed, it expands and becomes less dense. The molecules move further apart from each other, decreasing the air's density. Conversely, when air cools, it contracts and becomes denser as the molecules come closer together.

What happens to most of the energy when earth surface absorbs light?

Most of the light's energy gets converted into heat.