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As a particle's size gets smaller, its surface area-to-mass ratio increases. This is because as the particle shrinks, its volume (and therefore mass) decreases faster than its surface area. This increased surface area-to-mass ratio can influence the particle's reactivity, solubility, and other properties.

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Q: What happens to the amount of surface area of a particle compared to its mass as its size gets smaller?
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What happens to capillarity as particle size increases?

As particle size increases, capillarity decreases because larger particles have lower surface area-to-volume ratio, reducing the ability to draw in and hold water through capillary action. This is because larger particles have less surface area available for water to cling to compared to smaller particles.

What happens to capillary action as soil particle size decreases?

Capillary action increases as soil particle size decreases because smaller particles have higher surface area that enhances water retention and movement between them. Smaller particles create a tighter network of capillaries, allowing water to move more readily through the soil.

What is a raised part of the earth's surface smaller than a mountain?

A raised part of the earth's surface smaller than a mountain is called a hill. Hills are elevated areas that are lower in altitude and size compared to mountains, and they are characterized by a gradual incline or slope.

Consider a weathered rock or soil particle lying on a slope How will the gravitational force pulling the particle downward along the land surface vary with the inclination of the slope?

The gravitational force pulling the rock or soil particle downward along the land surface will increase with the inclination of the slope. Steeper slopes have a greater component of gravitational force acting parallel to the slope, causing the particle to move more easily downhill compared to shallow slopes.

How does particle size affect the rate of weathering?

Smaller particle size increases the surface area available for chemical reactions to occur, thus accelerating the rate of weathering. This is because smaller particles provide more opportunities for water and chemicals to interact with the mineral surfaces. As a result, finer-grained rocks tend to weather more rapidly than coarser-grained rocks.

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What happens to capillarity as particle size increases?

As particle size increases, capillarity decreases because larger particles have lower surface area-to-volume ratio, reducing the ability to draw in and hold water through capillary action. This is because larger particles have less surface area available for water to cling to compared to smaller particles.

How the size of particles affect the way the particles dissolve?

Smaller particles have a larger surface area compared to larger particles, allowing them to dissolve more quickly because more solvent can come in contact with them. This increased surface area also means that smaller particles have more opportunities for interactions with the solvent, leading to more effective dissolution compared to larger particles. Therefore, smaller particles generally dissolve faster than larger particles.

What is the surface area of aluminum powder?

The surface area of aluminum powder can vary depending on its particle size and shape. Generally, finer powders with smaller particle sizes will have a higher surface area compared to coarser powders. To determine the specific surface area of aluminum powder, specific tests such as the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) method or scanning electron microscopy (SEM) would need to be conducted.

Why does reducing solute size particle size increase the speed at which the solute dissolves in water?

Reducing the solute particle size increases the surface area available for interaction with the solvent (water), leading to more efficient and faster dissolution. This is because smaller particles have a greater surface area-to-volume ratio, allowing for more solvent-solute interactions to occur simultaneously, which speeds up the dissolution process.

How does Blaine fineness relate to micron sizes?

Typically, higher numbers for Blaine Fineness relate to smaller particle size. Think of it as spheres, the smaller you make your sphere the more surface area there is compared to volume, in other words a smaller space contains more surface area. Additionally, the surface structure will affect the fineness without affecting particle size. Blaine Fineness is measured in m^2/ g, this means the mass of sample used will affect the fineness. A denser material may have more surface area but also has a higher mass to achieve it.

Suppose you were dissolving a metal such as zinc with hcl. How would the particle size of the zinc affect the rate of its dissolution?

Smaller particle size of zinc would increase the rate of dissolution due to increased surface area available for reaction. More surface area means more zinc atoms are exposed to the acidic solution, leading to faster dissolution compared to larger particles with less surface area.

What is the effect of dividing a big particle into smaller ones on the total exposed surface area?

The total surface area increases.

What happens to each water particle as a wave passes through the ocean?

it stay at the surface

What happens to capillary action as soil particle size decreases?

Capillary action increases as soil particle size decreases because smaller particles have higher surface area that enhances water retention and movement between them. Smaller particles create a tighter network of capillaries, allowing water to move more readily through the soil.

How does a particle in a surface wave move?

A particle in a surface wave moves in a circular motion, with the motion becoming smaller as you go deeper into the water. This circular motion is created by the combination of the gravitational pull and surface tension acting on the wave.

What reactions are affected by particle size?

Particle size can affect various reactions such as dissolution rate, surface area available for reaction, and diffusion rates. Smaller particle sizes increase the surface area, leading to faster reactions, while larger particle sizes can reduce the reaction rate due to lower surface area available for reaction.

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In their motion to the surface air bubbles are associated and the volume increase.