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The alkaline earth metals belong to group 2A elements.

The alkali metals belong to group 1A elements.

The halogens belong to group 7A elements.

The noble gases belong to group 8A elements.

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7mo ago

Alkaline earth metals belong to Group 2 of the Periodic Table, which consists of beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium. They are known for their high reactivity and are commonly found in nature as compounds rather than pure elements.

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Q: What group does the alkaline earth metals belong to?
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What group in the periodic table does alkaline earth metals belong to?

Group 2

To what group in the periodic table to do the alkaline earth metals belong?

Group 2

What is the name given to group 2A in the periodic table?

Group 2A in the periodic table is known as the alkaline earth metals. This group includes elements such as beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium. Alkaline earth metals share similar chemical properties, including being reactive and having two electrons in their outer shell.

What family does the calcium element belong in?

Calcium belongs to the alkaline earth metals family on the periodic table. It is located in Group 2.

What chemical family does calcium belong to?

The elemental metal calcium is in Group(II) of the Periodic Table. Sometimes this Group is known as the ' Alkaline Earth Metals'. NOT 'Alkali metals', because alkali metals belong to Group (I).

Elements in group 2 are called?

Elements in group 2 are called alkaline earth metals. They include beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium. They have two valence electrons and are relatively reactive.

What group of elements is alkaline earth metals?

Alkaline earth metals are found in Group 2

What family does calcium belong to.?

Calcium is one of the alkaline earth metals in group 2 (or IIa) of the periodic table.

What family does the calcium element belong to?

Calcium belongs to the family of alkaline earth metals in the periodic table.

What element does the element calcium belong to?

Calcium belongs to the group 2 of the periodic table, the alkaline earth metals.

What group does beryllium belong to?

Beryllium belongs to the alkaline earth metals group on the periodic table.

The alkaline earth metals are found in group?

The alkaline earth metals are in the group 2 of the periodic table of Mendeleev.