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A glacial deposit is known as a moraine. A moraine may form a dam, keeping back the glacial melt-water, forming a series of lakes.

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1w ago

Moraines, drumlins, eskers, and outwash plains are glacial features that result from deposition. Moraines are ridges of till deposited along the edges of a glacier, drumlins are elongated hills of glacial till, eskers are long, winding ridges of sand and gravel, and outwash plains are flat areas of sand and gravel deposited by meltwater streams flowing away from the glacier.

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Q: What glacial features results from deposition?
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What of the following glacial features results from deposition a moraine?

A terminal moraine is a glacial feature that results from deposition. Terminal moraines are long, low ridges of debris that mark the furthest advance of a glacier.

What are 4 glacial deposition features?

Some glacial deposition features include moraines, drumlins, eskers, and outwash plains. These features are a result of the deposition of sediment and rocks carried by glaciers as they move and melt.

Is a glacial lake a result of deposition or erosion?

A glacial lake is typically a result of both erosion and deposition. Glacial erosion carves out depressions in the landscape, creating basins where water accumulates. Meanwhile, glacial deposition can form moraines or other features that dam up water and contribute to the formation of a glacial lake.

What are some features formed by glacial deposition?

Some features formed by glacial deposition include moraines (ridges of till), drumlins (elongated hills), eskers (sinuous ridges of sand and gravel), and kettles (depressions formed by melting ice blocks).

What is the difference between glacial erosion and glacial deposition?

Glacial erosion refers to the process where glaciers wear away the land by scraping and gouging the surface, while glacial deposition is the process where glaciers deposit materials like rocks, sediments, and other debris that they pick up as they move. Erosion creates features like U-shaped valleys and cirques, while deposition creates features like moraines and drumlins.

Related questions

What of the following glacial features results from deposition a moraine?

A terminal moraine is a glacial feature that results from deposition. Terminal moraines are long, low ridges of debris that mark the furthest advance of a glacier.

What three features that results from deposition along a river?

deposition, ground water, delta

What type of glaciers are there and how do they erode the land?

glacial deposition and glacial erosion

What are moraine made of?

Moraines are glacial deposition features. They are made up of ground up rock flour, pebbles and boulders deposited by glaciers.

Is a moraine formed by glacial deposition?

Yes, a moraine is formed by glacial deposition. It is a landform made up of unsorted rock material (till) that has been transported and deposited by a glacier as it moves and melts.

Is Glacial striations erosion or deposition?

Glacial striations are a result of erosion. They are scratches and grooves on bedrock caused by rocks and debris being dragged along by moving glaciers.

Is a glacial Lake a result of erosion or deposition?


Is a glacial lake a result of deposition or erosion?

A glacial lake is typically a result of both erosion and deposition. Glacial erosion carves out depressions in the landscape, creating basins where water accumulates. Meanwhile, glacial deposition can form moraines or other features that dam up water and contribute to the formation of a glacial lake.

What is the difference between glacial erosion and glacial deposition?

Glacial erosion refers to the process where glaciers wear away the land by scraping and gouging the surface, while glacial deposition is the process where glaciers deposit materials like rocks, sediments, and other debris that they pick up as they move. Erosion creates features like U-shaped valleys and cirques, while deposition creates features like moraines and drumlins.

Explain the difference between erosion and deposition?

Glacial erosion is the process by which a glacial flows over the land, picking up rocks. Glacial deposition is the process by which a glacier gathers a huge amount of rock and soil as it Erodes the land in the path

How was long island formed?

It was caused by deposition. Of glacial moraine.

Is a horn results of erosion or deposition?

A horn is typically the result of erosion where glaciers carve multiple slopes on a mountain peak, leaving a sharp, pyramid-like feature. The eroded cirque walls on all sides of the peak give it a distinctive shape.