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3w ago

A sediment deposit called a windward slope forms when sediment is blown against an obstacle and settles behind it. This deposit is characterized by a gradual slope facing into the prevailing wind direction.

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Q: What forms when sediment is blown against an obstacle and settles behind it?
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The sediment is a mixture of sand, soil, salts, detritus.

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Desert pavement is formed by the gradual removal of sediment by rain and/or wind, leaving only larger sediment behind.

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Saltation erosion leaves pebbles and boulders behind. This type of erosion occurs when the wind picks up sediment particles and hurls them against larger rocks, causing abrasion and erosion.

What is Deposits formed when wind blown sediments settle and build up behind an obstacle?

These deposits are called dunes. Dunes are created when wind-blown sand particles accumulate behind obstacles like rocks or vegetation, forming mound-like structures that can vary in size and shape. Over time, dunes can migrate and change as wind continues to shape the landscape.

How do decantation and filtration differ?

Decantation is a process that involves pouring off the liquid portion of a mixture, leaving the solid behind. Filtration, on the other hand, involves passing a mixture through a filter that allows the liquid to pass through while trapping the solid particles. Decantation is typically used for mixtures where the solid settles at the bottom, while filtration is used to separate solid particles from a liquid.

How does desert pavement desert form?

Desert pavement is formed by the gradual removal of sediment by rain and/or wind, leaving only larger sediment behind.

What forms when sediment accumulates?

When sediment accumulates, it can form sedimentary rocks over time through processes like compaction and cementation. These rocks can include sandstone, shale, and limestone, depending on the type of sediment and environmental conditions.