The formation of mountains is not caused by differential erosion. Mountains are primarily formed through tectonic processes such as plate collision or volcanic activity, rather than erosion. Erosion can shape and modify mountains after their formation, but it is not the primary cause of their creation.
Yes, striations are a glacial feature caused by the erosion of bedrock as a glacier moves over it. These scratches or grooves are formed by the rocks and debris embedded in the ice scraping against the underlying rock surface.
Moraines are not caused by erosion, but rather by the deposition of sediment and rocks carried and deposited by a glacier as it moves and melts. Erosion occurs as the glacier carries material away from its original location.
A cirque is a glacier feature that is shaped by erosion. It is a bowl-shaped hollow at the head of a glacier that forms from the glacier's erosive action on the surrounding rock.
Differential weathering is caused by variations in the resistance of rocks to weathering processes such as erosion, chemical weathering, and physical weathering. Rocks with varying mineral composition, hardness, and structure will weather at different rates, leading to the uneven erosion of landscapes. Additionally, factors such as climate, topography, and human activities can influence the rate and pattern of differential weathering.
Differential weathering is caused by variations in rock composition (such as differences in mineral hardness or solubility) and differences in rock structure (such as joints, fractures, or bedding planes). These variations can lead to differential erosion rates, resulting in the formation of unique landforms.
Yes, striations are a glacial feature caused by the erosion of bedrock as a glacier moves over it. These scratches or grooves are formed by the rocks and debris embedded in the ice scraping against the underlying rock surface.
Moraines are not caused by erosion, but rather by the deposition of sediment and rocks carried and deposited by a glacier as it moves and melts. Erosion occurs as the glacier carries material away from its original location.
Unconformities are either a feature of deposition or igneous extrusions; and are not as a result of erosion, yet the material making one up may be a product of erosion.
Niagara falls was formed by differental erosion
A cirque is a glacier feature that is shaped by erosion. It is a bowl-shaped hollow at the head of a glacier that forms from the glacier's erosive action on the surrounding rock.
Differential weathering is caused by variations in the resistance of rocks to weathering processes such as erosion, chemical weathering, and physical weathering. Rocks with varying mineral composition, hardness, and structure will weather at different rates, leading to the uneven erosion of landscapes. Additionally, factors such as climate, topography, and human activities can influence the rate and pattern of differential weathering.
Differential weathering is caused by variations in rock composition (such as differences in mineral hardness or solubility) and differences in rock structure (such as joints, fractures, or bedding planes). These variations can lead to differential erosion rates, resulting in the formation of unique landforms.
Terminal moraines are not formed due to erosion but rather deposition. They are ridges of glacial till that mark the farthest advance of a glacier and are deposited as the glacier retreats. Erosion by the glacier does contribute to the material found in terminal moraines, but the feature itself is primarily a result of deposition.
Sea stacks are primarily formed by erosion. They are created when the relentless force of waves erodes the weaker parts of cliffs and headlands, leaving behind isolated rock formations. As the land erodes, the sea stack is separated from the mainland, becoming a distinctive coastal feature.
The 3 main types of glacial erosion are plucking, abrasion and freeze thaw.
A low or sunken surface feature is called a depression. It can be caused by various factors such as erosion, weathering, or tectonic activity. Depressions can range in size from small dimples to large basins.
the cause by the change of the earth