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1. The continents fit together like a jigsaw puzzle.

2. There are animal and plant species, extant and extinct, present on separated continents.

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Evidence supporting the theory of the supercontinent Pangaea includes the jigsaw-like fit of continents, similarities in rock formations and mountain ranges across continents that align when continents are brought together, distribution of fossils of identical species across distant continents, and similarities in ancient climates and geological records found on separate continents. These pieces of evidence work together to suggest that the current continents were once part of a single landmass.

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Q: What evidence is there to show that the continents today were once from an super continent?
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Which The theory of continental drift proposes that the earth's continents may have once been united as a super-continent but but have drifted apart over time. what is the name of the super-continent?

The super-continent proposed by the theory of continental drift is called Pangaea. It is believed to have existed about 300 million years ago and subsequently broke apart to form the continents as we know them today.

Do scientists believe that in the beginning there was only one small continent?

The theory of Pangea suggests that all current continents were once joined together as one supercontinent. Evidence like the matching coastlines and similarities in fossils and rocks support this theory. Scientists believe that over millions of years, the movement of tectonic plates caused Pangea to break apart and form the continents we see today.

What was pangaea and what has happened over the many years to the continents?

Pangaea was a supercontinent that existed about 335 million years ago and eventually broke apart to form the continents we have today due to the movement of tectonic plates. Over millions of years, the continents have drifted apart, leading to the formation of new oceans and mountain ranges as a result of plate tectonics.

What is the name of earths single continent before it spit up into the continents as they are today?

The single continent was called Pangaea. It existed around 335 million years ago and eventually split into the continents we know today due to the movement of tectonic plates.

What was the name of the one single continent?

The name of the single continent that existed around 200 million years ago is Pangaea. It later split apart into the continents we know today.

Related questions

What was pangaea and what has happened over the many years to the continents?

Pangaea was a supercontinent that existed about 335 million years ago and eventually broke apart to form the continents we have today due to the movement of tectonic plates. Over millions of years, the continents have drifted apart, leading to the formation of new oceans and mountain ranges as a result of plate tectonics.

What evidence is here to show that the continents today were once from one super continent?

The main evidence that supports the theory of one supercontinent is the presence of similar geological features, rock formations, and fossils on different continents that align perfectly when the continents are pieced together, such as the coastlines of South America and Africa. Additionally, studies on paleoclimatology and the distribution of ancient species provide further evidence of the continents once being connected in a single landmass.

What was the name of the one super continent that theoretically split into today's continents?

The supercontinent that split into today's continents is called Pangaea. It is believed to have been a single landmass around 335 million years ago before breaking apart into the continents we have today.

What was the name for the super continent that split in two about 250 million years ago and eventually formed the seven continents you have today?


Have the continents always been where they are located today?

It is commonly accepted that the continents have not always been in their current locations. They are thought to have all been part of a super continent known as Pangaea.

What was the original super-continent called?

Pangaea, which literally means "all land".

What is the name of the theory on the continents drifting apart?

The theory is called "plate tectonics," which suggests that Earth's outer shell is divided into several large, rigid plates that move and interact with each other over time, leading to phenomena such as continental drift.

What do you call the super continent?

The supercontinent is called Pangaea. It existed around 335 million years ago and broke apart to form the continents we have today.

What was the super-continent in the continental drift hypothesis called?

The super-continent in the continental drift hypothesis was called Pangaea. It is believed to have existed around 335 million years ago and eventually broke apart into the continents we see today.

What was the big continent that contained all of the continent?

The supercontinent that contained all of Earth's current continents was called Pangaea. It existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras before breaking apart into the continents we know today due to the process of plate tectonics.

What is the name of the super continent from which other continents were formed?

The name of the supercontinent from which other continents were formed is Pangaea. It existed around 335 million years ago and eventually broke apart, leading to the formation of the continents we know today.

What happened to the earth's continents during the Permian period?

What happened to the earth's continents during Permian Period is Pangea, Pangea is when the used to be one big super continent broke apart created our separate continents today.