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I don't really know what you define as an underwater cave.

Some caves have been drowned by rising sea-level, having formed on land at times of lower sea-levels (i.e. during the Ice Age glacials). Others are entirely terrestrial but full in whole or in part with water.

Nevertheless, the answer is that normally caves carry water from limestone uplands to their outlet (risings or springs) at lower altitude, so their effect is to replace open streams on the surface with underground ones.Other than that or the occasional collapse of a cave roof to create a doline on the ground above, they don't affect the land surface.

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3w ago

The formation and erosion of underwater caves can contribute to the shaping of Coastlines and the movement of sediment. They can also impact marine ecosystems by providing habitats for various species.Additionally, underwater caves can influence water circulation patterns and nutrient cycling in the surrounding areas.

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When heated earths surface radiates some of the energy back into the atmosphere as?

infrared radiation, which contributes to the greenhouse effect. This process helps trap heat in the atmosphere, leading to the warming of the Earth's surface.

What does the absorption of thermal energy from the ground to the air do to the earths surface?

The absorption of thermal energy from the ground to the air can lead to an increase in temperature at the Earth's surface. This process can affect weather patterns, contribute to the greenhouse effect, and influence the overall climate of a region.

How do you use The greenhouse effect in a sentence?

The greenhouse effect is a natural process that warms the Earth's surface.

What phenomenon naturallt warms earths lower atmosphere and surface?

The greenhouse effect is the natural phenomenon that warms Earth's lower atmosphere and surface. Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and water vapor trap heat from the sun, causing the temperature to rise. This process is essential for supporting life on Earth, but human activities have enhanced the greenhouse effect, leading to global warming.

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Thick cloud cover can act as a blanket, trapping heat and causing the surface temperature to increase. Conversely, it can also reflect sunlight back into space, leading to a cooling effect on the surface temperature. The net effect depends on factors such as cloud altitude, composition, and thickness.

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