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Top soil is known as the A horizon, therefore, it is the very top layer

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3mo ago

Topsoil is the uppermost layer of soil, usually the top 2 to 8 inches, where most of the soil's organic matter and nutrients are found. It is crucial for plant growth and plays a significant role in supporting plant life.

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Related questions

What are some good brands of topsoil?

Some good brands of topsoil include but are not limited to Miracle Grow topsoil, Black Magic topsoil, Earth Grow, and Scott's Premium topsoil to name a few.

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Is topsoil a mineral?

Topsoil is not a mineral, but it contains minerals.

Which contains more humus topsoil or subsoil?


What is a tandem load of topsoil?

A truck load of topsoil

Where is topsoil found?

Dig under the grass and topsoil will be under the grass. Topsoil is that is mainly sold in bags for your gardening.

Where is the topsoil found?

Dig under the grass and topsoil will be under the grass. Topsoil is that is mainly sold in bags for your gardening.

Why is the topsoil important?

topsoil supports structures built on top of it

What horizon contains topsoil?

the horizon that contains topsoil is the A HORIZON

Is topsoil one word?

Yes, "topsoil" is one word.

What is a sentence with topsoil?

The rich topsoil helped the crops grow quickly. The wind blew the topsoil away, causing the dust bowl.