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Sediment natural material the has broken down and been carried by a fluid. The mud at the bottom of river is sediment. Sedimentary rock, for example, is rock formed by the compression of mud.

Sediment and sedentary share the Latin root sedere, which means 'to sit'. Sediment settles or sits at the bottom of bodies of water, and some one is is sedentary is seated a lot.

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2mo ago

Sediment refers to particles or matter that settle at the bottom of a liquid. Sedentary refers to a lifestyle involving little physical activity or movement. The two words are not directly related in terms of their meanings or origins.

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The English derivatives of the Latin word "sedet" include "sedentary" and "sediment."

What is the meaning of the root word sede?

The root word "sede" comes from Latin and means "seat" or "sitting." It is often used as a prefix in words related to sitting or position, such as "sedentary" or "sediment."

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The root word "sed" means to sit, settle, or remain in Latin. It is commonly seen in words like "sedentary" (sitting) or "sediment" (matter that settles at the bottom of a liquid).

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The root word for "sed" and "sess" is "sed," which means "sit" or "settle." It is derived from the Latin word "sedere." From this root word, we get words like sedentary, sediment, and session.

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What is the meaning of the Latin word for sediment?

Sedere literally means "to sit."Sedimentary rocks are formed by the deposition of sediment. In other words, sediment is deposited and "sits" forming these rocks.

Is sediment a noun?

Yes, the word 'sediment' is a noun, a word for the solids in a liquid that settle to the bottom; material deposited by water, wind, or glaciers; a word for a thing.

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The root word of "relation" is "relate," which comes from the Latin word "relatus," meaning to bring back or carry back.

What is another word for sediements?

Another word for sediment is lees