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The unofficial translation of the word "terra plana" literally means feet in touch with the earth or barefoot. It is a brand of shoes that were created to give the wearer the feel and benefit of going barefoot, but with protection to the soles of feet.

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"Terra plana" translates to "flat earth" in English.

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What features make Terra Plana running shoes superior?

What makes the Terra Plana running shoes so different is the fact that they practically weigh nothing and bend every which way the foot bends naturally. Its almost like running barefoot.

Where is the best place to read reviews online for Terra Plana running shoes?

There are many places online to read reviews for the Terra Plana running shoes. You can go to many different review websites, or go on a website that sells them, and there should be reviews there as well.

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"Earth's" and "the earth's" are English equivalents of the Italian phrase della terra. The preposition with feminine singular definite article and feminine singular noun translate literally into English as "of the earth." The pronunciation will be "DEL-la TER-ra" in Italian.

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Here's is the description of the shoe you are looking for, You can easily buy them on or

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